Mississippi Masala

I think one of the most interesting things I learned in this movie had to do with the fact that I was unaware of the history of Indians living in Uganda. This was the first time this piece of history was ever presented to me and I was honestly surprised (but also not surprised) that I had never heard of it. I think it’s just part of one of the great things about this class is that I get to examine the history of Asian/Asian American People in a way that I haven’t before.

Overall, the movie was okay. Plot wise I understood it, I felt like the end didn’t wrap itself up the way I would have liked it to but maybe that was a specific choice of the director. I mean the topics/commentary presented in the movie don’t really wrap themselves up nicely in real life.

I think I was really interested in this idea of “mix masala”. I’ve understood being mixed physically because I am Black and Filipino but the idea of being mixed culturally and having to come to terms with that. I especially think this was the most interesting struggle especially for the father. He had lived in Uganda his whole life and the only thing he knew was Uganda and having that identity essentially ripped away caused a lot of internal questions and struggles he had to overcome in the movie.