Gregg Horowitz is Professor of Philosophy at Pratt. He writes on aesthetics, the philosophy of art, theories of art history, psychoanalysis, and political theory. His publications include the books Sustaining Loss: Art and Mournful Life (Stanford, 2001) and The Wake of Art: Philosophy, Criticism and the Ends of Taste (Routledge, 1998, with Arthur C. Danto and Tom Huhn) and articles on “Robert Pippin’s After the Beautiful: Hegel and the Philosophy of Pictorial Modernism” (Platypus Review, 2014).“Tradition” (Art Bulletin, 2013), “A Made-to-Order Witness: Women’s Knowledge in Vertigo” in Katalin Makkai, ed., Vertigo: Philosophers on Film (Routledge, January 2013), and “The Homeopathic Image, or, Trauma, Intimacy and Poetry,” (Critical Horizons, 2010). He is also a past Fellow of the American Academy in Berlin.