Birds of Evergreen

A guide to the avifauna of the campus core, forest, and beach



Dark-eyed Junco

The Dark-eyed Junco is a medium sized, common sparrow of North America. Its sub-species (whose numbers are disputed) are distinguished by variations in plumage, although they all have similar habits.

This page will detail the Oregon subspecies, which can be identified by its distinct black head, rufous flanks, chestnut back, and white to beige belly and breast. It also has white outer tail feathers that flash when in flight, a tan beak, and pink legs and feet. The Dark-eyed Junco is weakly sexually dimorphic. Males are slightly darker than females (Dunn 2002).

Golden-Crowned Sparrow

Order: Passeriformes Family: Emberizidae Genus: Zonotrichia Species: Zonotrichia atricapilla Introduction The Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricalpilla) is one of the larger sparrows commonly found along the pacific coast. This beautiful bird has a defining grey-buffy coloration from its chin to under-tail coverts, and sings… Continue Reading →

Song Sparrow

The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a common and widespread bird with a beautiful and prominent streaking pattern. The song sparrow has numerous subspecies that vary in appearance considerably across its expansive range. Frequently more vocal than they are visible, it is usually easier to hear song sparrows than see them. Fortunately they are equally as pleasing to listen to as they are to watch.

Spotted Towhee

( Order: Passeriformes Family: Emberizidae Genus: Pipilo Species: Pipilo maculatus Introduction:  The Spotted Towhee is a widespread commonly known dimorphic passerine, which can be seen scratching and feeding on the ground under feeders and shrubby areas.  Formally known as the Rufus-Sided Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), with… Continue Reading →

White-Crowned Sparrow

  Order: Passeriformes Family: Passerellidae Genus: Zonotrichia Species: Z. leucophrys Introduction: The White-crowned Sparrow is a song bird from family passerellidae. The Olympic peninsula has both migratory and resident species of this bird, a few of them earning classification as… Continue Reading →

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