I got into San Juan De La Arena, where I would stay, in the early afternoon. I spent the rest of the sunny day playing and swimming at the beach. When evening rolled around I decided I would go check into the albergue only to find that it was closed. I scrambled around town trying to ask locals what to do, but being unable to understand their replies. Finally, I decided my only option was to sleep in the next town, 7K away. By this time it too late in the evening to walk there before dark. So I had to trust in old-fashioned hitchhiking. Not even a second after sticking out my thumb, a car pulled over. The driver was a friendly guy who was going to university in Gijón and had no problem taking me to San Estaban. By 7:30 I had a bed and could enjoy my dinner. Now I know to check in to my albergue BEFORE I play!