Dan’s first words after stepping into the Burgos Cathedral were “Oh my God.”
Bill looked over at him and said, “That’s what they wanted you to say.”
Everything in here vaults skywards, external spires rise above the city, ornate stone carvings and painted murals decorate the ceilings, and the tree like pillars of stone lift the vaults high off the marble floors. Everyone in here cranes their necks and points their cameras skyward.
The original Romanesque church was built in the 11th century and demolished in the 13th century by King Fernando III who ordered the construction of the cathedral. Over the next 500 years, people added the towering Gothic spires and finally, in the 18th century, the facade that can now be seen today. It houses 19 golden altars, a da Vinci painting or two, and the tomb of El Cid.
I left after twenty minutes because in the millennia span of construction, no one thought to put a bathroom in there.
Unfortunately you could probably do without the facts para. Or work harder on the rest. But it is probably enough.