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Monthly Archives: April 2016

Casey- April 30th

Taking a rest day in Sarria.

Casey- April 29th

Happiness… Happiness is finding a simple green painted fence lined with morning glories that reminds you of your mother and far off fairy lands Happiness is meeting a person who changes the course of your day with their upbeat attitude and kind energy, leaving you feel cleansed and refreshed. Happiness is letting go and saying […]

Casey- April 28th

This afternoon I went for a walk around the small town of Triacastela, and sat down on a path under the setting sun. I played with the pebbles and dirt beneath my feet, feeling the sun’s warmth play upon my hair and cheeks. I felt the coarse sand and grass against my fingertips as I […]

Through Rose Colored Glasses

Today was a beautiful day up through the mountains, and it all began with a delicious, filling breakfast. Rose and I had been planning on making surprise pancakes for our group for about a week now, and this morning was the perfect opportunity- our hostel came equipped with a small stove, a glorious cast iron […]

Casey- April 27th

In the misty mountains

Old Friends and B(earth)day Wishes

For my birthday this year I received many wonderful gifts: a glorious hike through the woods, a relaxing massage, a beautiful handmade card from a fellow pilgrim, and a visit from my dear friend from high school, Ariel. I’ll admit I was both excited and nervous while walking to the León cathedral, where we had […]

Casey- April 26th

Casey- April 25th

Staying at a lovely vegetarian albergue tonight in Pieros called El Serbal y La Luna. Complete with a beautiful meditation/yoga/massage room, bunk beds that look like they belong in Tarzan’s treehouse, and amazing, nourishing homemade meals. No wifi though- a lovely man has gifted me his wifi from his iPad, along with his family granola […]

Casey- April 24th

Surrounded by the smell of tiger balm, the warmth of a cozy second hand wool sweater from a free box, the sound of sporadic giggles, music coming from someone’s earbuds, and the early onset of tonight’s snoring ballad. Been having some difficulty connecting my phone to wifi and have had to result to using my […]

Casey- April 23rd

In Rabanal Del Camino, enjoying tea and conversation with friends.