© 2016 stiamb04

Amber – Monday

Hanging out in Portomarín with some classmates. I’ve only gotten 4.5 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours and I have this chest cold thing that’s only getting worse, but I’m trying not to let that ruin these last few days.

I’m also (unsuccessfully) trying not to hardcore judge these pilgrims that just started and walk around wearing perfume and makeup. In order to receive a Compostela, you only technically had to have walked 100km straight through to Santiago. Therefore, yesterday was the popular starting point for those who don’t have time to walk the whole thing, want to do the bare minimum to receive a Compostela, etc. Everyone has their own reasons, I get it. It’s cool. More than anything I’m just frustrated with how busy the trail just got out of nowhere. I was really enjoying the solitude. Working on trying to change my attitude regarding that aspect.

We are so close to being done. What a strange feeling.



  1. Jill Stinson
    Posted May 2, 2016 at 1:02 PM | #

    I imagine you will mourn a little as the end draws near. I worry about if it will be difficult for you to transition back into “everyday life” so to speak. I know your travels will continue for a bit after this journey ends and hope that will help. Just remember this is but a spark for the flame that can still be ignited as your life takes off. I have complete and total faith that the doors will open for you to be able to find and follow your true passion/mission in life. I am so immensely proud of you for taking this on and really embracing it! LOVE to you always and forever!

  2. Ty Stinson
    Posted May 5, 2016 at 9:36 PM | #

    Amber please be cognizant of your chest cold. It could easilty turn into something very nasty. Are there doctors available? I am worried that you may get bronchitis or something worse. Please listen to your body and do not push too hard.

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