© 2016 stiamb04

Amber – Thursday


Just realized that I forgot to check in yesterday…whoops. Today was a very short walk from ArzĂșa to Pedrouzo. Tomorrow we will be in Santiago…that is so crazy to me. I felt like I have been here for a lifetime and now it is ending. It is very bittersweet.

This may sound weird, but I feel like there is always a very specific and tangible feel in the air when something is ending, especially in the mornings. I distinctly remember the last week of school every year, where I’d be waiting outside for the bus or walking to my car and the air was humid but not quite yet hot and it smelled like fresh grass and leaves. Spring mornings always correlate to an ending.

Last night, I caught myself saying “when I get back home…” and I was referring to the albergue. It just felt so natural to say that. Even though we have been in different places every night, I have learned how to make myself at home in every new place. I have grown so comfortable with adapting and constantly changing location.

I find myself mostly just a wondering what things will be like when I get back. How/if anything will change, and if I have changed. If I will miss this or if I will be happy to be home. There really is no way of knowing.

For now, I am going to enjoy this last night and do what I have been doing this whole time; hanging out with wonderful people and just feeling content to be here and to be alive.

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