© 2016 stiamb04

Amber – Tuesday/Wednesday

I apologize for not updating my location recently. I am officially done with the Camino and currently spending these last few days at what used to be known as the end of the world, and what could now be considered paradise. Soaking it all up before I am off on my next adventure.

Tonight was spent climbing rocks on the beach at sunset and drinking wine, eating cake and playing poker with wonderful friends. These past few days have been very bittersweet. I am going to miss this.


One Comment

  1. Jill Stinson
    Posted May 19, 2016 at 12:20 PM | #

    I am going to miss following you on this journey. Your happiness has been so evident, and I am so proud of you for taking on this challenge! Amara, August, and I are very anxious to have you back, but I know how much this travel means to you, so I hope you continue to embrace these upcoming weeks across the ocean! Love you darling!

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