Winter Week 1 Minutes (11 January 2012)

Minutes taken by Gabrielle Hamilton

Attendance: Sean “Jonesy” Jones, Jesse Honiker (female), James Hibbs, Caitlin Fate, David Yeazel, Caleb Hedrick, Morgan Pfiffner, Mat Ladegaard, Ben Panish, Jess Tevik, Zoe Nieman, Gabrielle Hamilton


3:15 – 3:30 Check-ins/Announcements & A Note about Notetaking

3:30 – 4:00 Previously Outlined Goals: Recap and Re-Commit

Survey is underway & will be completed next week.

Fermentation Workshops with Natalie Hammerquist (Gabrielle is organizing).

Nutrition lectures – Gabrielle will contact Ava Waits, and Morgan can help Gab.

Film Showings – Cinema Politika complications with subscription (sharing with SDS would probably not work). **Ben will spearhead this.

Cookbook/Zine – Jess and Matt are interested in publishing a quarterly CFC zine with recipes, resources, and information.

Website & Resource Library – Community calendar of food-related events accessible on our website. Changing from evergreen blog to blogger, making each of us an author on the blog. **Jesse Honiker will check what food related magazines are already available in the library so that when we decide which subscriptions to sign up for, we know what’s already there. **James Hibbs will organize the new blogger site for CFC.

Food Not Bombs workshops – Zoe will talk with Austin Nolen.

Synergy Conference in Spring – We would like to co-sponsor it! **Caitlin will contact Dani Madrone to ask how we can help.


**Jonesy will email a general template to use for each budget item



James – Accidentally attended a GSU meeting where he learned that they are needing to form a Request For Proposals Committee to oversee the negotiations governing the decisions behind Evergreen’s Aramark contract expiring in Spring 2013.


4:00 – 4:30 Mission Statement Re-Vamping

The progress we made today:

“The Campus Food Coalition [exists to provide] a forum for the Evergreen community to discuss and raise awareness of food issues on campus. We strive to accurately reflect community ethics and sustainability goals via our campus food system.”