Feeling at Home

To me the word home means the place where I am comfortable and I feel the most if not truly like me. I have a few places and people I consider “home”.

It was an honor to stay with Bennie and Janene when I visited Nashville. I had never been to Bennie’s home and knowing what I know about Sideshow Bennie  I envisioned collections of very esoteric items spanning many interests. I was correct to a degree and upon taking a closer look at the items in Bennie and Janene’s home, I could see an epic narrative of three fascinating interwoven lives. Bennie and Janene have a daughter who grew up in the house.

I stayed in Larkens room, which is now the guest room. The walls are a bright yellow with shelves on the wall painted white and green. It’s a very retro feel, with framed Hindi deities hung linearly along the wall above the bed. Bennie said that Larken loved yellow so the room got painted bright yellow. On the shelves are family photo albums, beautiful sea shells, vintage knickknacks, and framed family photos.

While I unpacked I noticed a picture of my dog on the shelf, and then stepping closer, a picture of my partner and myself. Both were framed and propped on the shelf at eye level. I could see the photos while sitting in bed too. Janene later said that she does this for all her guests. They just get the photos off of Facebook and print them. She mentioned that she likes the idea of seeing them from the bed when you wake up. What a lovely touch of home for guests!

A touch of home.


Cozy and colorful. I loved this room.


Bennie and Janene made me feel at home like I have never felt at home other than my own home. By this I mean truly comfortable. I could ask for anything or help myself to just about anything. They both took time out of their busy schedules to spend time with me. Bennie drove me around Nashville and gave me my own private sight seeing tour chock full of  historical fact and personal anecdotes. We went out to eat, we walked around sites, we went to Cheekwood Museum, We called on friends. We hung out and did our own things around the house, we watched movies and TV. The cherry on top of the visit was Bennie’s cooking. As it turns out Janene has a masterful hand in the kitchen as well. They both made recipes gluten free for me as they know my diet restrictions. I gobbled down the gluten free Hello Kitty shaped cookies Janene baked for me. They were sort of like a sugar cookie and shortbread with cinnamon. Before I left Olympia I knew I would be taking the “When in Rome” attitude and eat bird and mammal meat during my visit.  I also did not want Bennie to make a tofu bastard of one of his brilliant pork recipes. I am confident he could carry it out beautifully with tofu but I felt it would be an insult to his experience and skill to present a task that actually snubs his talent.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not for those with a growl in their belly. Proceed with caution. And do not lick the screen.

Some fine home cooked meals by Bennie and Janene:

Catfish with cornmeal breading, beans with homemade Tasso, and homemade coleslaw.

The beginnings of grits and gumbo


The conjuring of grits and gumbo


Bennie’s grits and Gumbo. I have been fortified.


Janene and her beautiful cake. She also made GF shortcake for me so I could have strawberry shortcake.


Smoked all night and ready for the oven. The man prepares pork with patience and love.


Pulled pork (smoked over night in Bennie’s portable smoker on the porch), homemade coleslaw, Bennie’s BBQ sauce, and a potato and cheese casserole of which I inhaled two servings.


Shortcakes cooling in the dining room.

Hmm, strangely I am getting hungry. I looked for a picture of the gluten free biscuits and gravy they made for breakfast with Bennie’s homemade sausage. Oh it was delightful and maybe too dangerous to post. It’s probably for the best that I can’t find the photo.

Update: I found the photo. Oh my stars!

Homemade GF biscuits and gravy with Bennie’s homemade sausage. Yes it is real butter.

Bennie and Janene’s home spoke of comfort and fun  as well as tradition and exploration. It turns out that the house itself was built by Bennie’s father.  Bennie grew up there and eventually returned to live there with Janene and raise their daughter there. Maybe it is Bennie’s sense of connection that makes the place feel grounded. Or that they have both lived there for so long. Maybe it’s just that Bennie and Janene are cool-cats and know how to make people feel comfortable. I appreciated the touches, like a small basket of travel size items on the dresser in case a guest forgets something.  I want to make others feel as good in my home as good as I felt in theirs. It was not only a delightful visit but a learning experience and I am grateful to Bennie and Janene.



Published in: Process on May 17, 2013 at11:15 pm Comments (5)

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5 Comments      Leave a comment.

  1. on July 28, 2022 at 4:46 amHome Said:

    I got too much interesting stuff on this blog.


  2. on July 19, 2022 at 7:28 amMichael Said:

    Right thank you for sharing informative and valuable content with us


  3. on October 12, 2021 at 6:18 amTracy Turner Said:

    Home is a feeling for me. It’s not just a place to stay in, but a feeling that can be at a particular place, with a person, or an experience that gives us peace, calm, and comfort.


  4. on May 20, 2013 at 1:13 amGrace Marie Said:

    Wow! Everything looks absolutely amazingly delicious, and I am so hungry right now! It is so special when you can find comfort like that in a place away from home, and such welcoming people. I’m glad you branched out and had a good time!


  5. on May 19, 2013 at 4:09 pmIsabella Said:


    Your trip to Nashville sounds like it was wonderful. Eating great food is usually my favorite part of traveling to an unfamiliar place and it looks like you got so eat some lovely home-cooked southern meals. I’m pretty jealous. I love Bennie and Janene’s house and the way you have described their connection to it. The way they prepare for and tend to guests is very sweet. I’m so glad they were able to make you feel at home; I believe that was very important to your learning process. And by the way, it is very impressive that you went all the way to Nashville for this project and that you did so much while you were there. I really liked hearing about Cheekwood, made me want to go!



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