Tag Archives: Advocacy

Oregon Natural Desert Association

The Oregon Natural Desert Association successfully uses education, restoration, science, litigation, and grassroots advocacy to achieve its mission of protecting, defending, and restoring Oregon’s high deserts.

Organization Type: Not-For-Profit Corporation



(541) 330-2638


50 SW Bond St. Suite 4 Bend OR 97702

North Cascadia Adaptation Partnership

This organization’s goal is to increase awareness of climate change, assess its impact, and incorporate the findings into current land management policies. They do this through workshops and seminars for government employees in the parks and services sector.

Organization Type: Government Agency


Contact e-mail


(206) 732-7809


No listed address.

Protect Our Winters P.O.W.

“Our mission is to engage and mobilize the winter sports community to lead the fight against climate change. Our focus is on educational initiatives, activism and the support of community-based projects.”

P.O.W. Is a group of snow sports professionals and industry leaders that are actively trying to raise awareness and educate members of the snow sports industry about the effects of climate change and how to personally mitigate them.  They leaders in studying the effects of climate change in the winter recreation industry.  They have an education program that has reached out to over 15,000 students nationwide. The North West Chapter has been heavily critical of the local coal export proposals.


Organization Type:



1157 Embury Street Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


Depave is an 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that removes unnecessary pavement from the Portland area, to create community gardens and water runoff mitigation areas.  Pavement is harmful in its social and environmental impacts, and this organization seeks to replace this material with soil and eventually plants.  This is accomplished through community events that reconnect people with nature.

Organization Type:


Contact e-mail


P.O. Box 12503 Portland, Oregon, 97212