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Two Things

Number 1: I spent hours on Monday doing the lynda.com tutorial for Lightroom. I mean hours. You know, maybe I should just buy the book. I learned some things but I must admit I have never been a good student when it comes to tutorials. I am trying to be very thorough this time. But of course will end up talking to Tommy about exactly what I need to do re: batch exposure/color corrections for my animated landscapes. Okay, here is an image that I worked with in LR

and another one.

Number 2: I read for and got the role of Dottie in Film School University. Channeling Jonathan Winters (Maude Frickett character) and Sophia of The Golden Girls I recorded my lines today with some additional ad libs and considerable improvised farting. Very fun. I see my future: playing the comedic elderly (as opposed to the extreme elderly). Oh well. It had to come at some point.

~ by Sally Cloninger on February 17, 2009 .

3 Responses to “Two Things”

  1.   dowsea18 Says:

    Sally, your voice acting performance was outstanding to say the least.

  2.   ortrya19 Says:

    You could never be casted as the “extreme elderly”. I do believe that the RTFM way does work better for others over the tutorial route.

  3.   doosor12 Says:

    You were amazing and set the standard for the rest of the week.