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2010, 2011, Now and Then

My current film project is partly about staying in the present.

What am I doing today, however?  1. Trying to select books for Ready Camera One and begin planning that program (2009-10). It’s all about TV, performance, writing, visual humor, media criticism, and directing. 2. Beginning to write program copy for Journey, a new program for 2010-11 involving visual art, visual anthropology, digital media, and travel to far flung places. 3. Worrying about my meeting with the campus web team to try to consolidate ideas for the on-line collection of the Evergreen Visual History Archive. 4. Meeting with the second half of all of M.A.S. to talk about progress on projects.

I am not whining. Really. I know I am lucky to have these interesting classes ahead but Evergreen does challenge us all to keep many plates spinning, all up in the air at the same time.

~ by Sally Cloninger on March 6, 2009 .

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