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6:27 AM

is a good time to get some work done.

I finally nailed down my treatment for Living in the Medium and will share it with M.A.S. next Wednesday along some visual tests, a bit of music, text, and other ideas.

Years ago I did a short web piece entitled, Keep In Touch. Dual screen, experimental.  A friend of mine, Lisa Farnham* said at the time, that looks like the opening for a much longer film.  It took me 8 years to realize what she meant. Time.

Here is a still

from the original.  I am currently reworking this  into a single channel component for LITM.

*Lisa was one of the co-producers (with Peter and I) on the Shared Site project that you all saw in the fall.

~ by Sally Cloninger on March 6, 2009 .

2 Responses to “6:27 AM”

  1.   mahjad24 Says:

    I really like the image of your face and your expression. The spokes at first reminded me of a ferris wheel, but now I can trying to figure out what they really are.

  2.   Lauren Says:

    How nice to come back to something 8 years later. I agree with Jaden; the still shot is very interesting. Can’t wait to see more!