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Thank you to all who gave me such thorough and insightful feedback today.  Many, many good ideas were offered; I certainly will follow through on many of them.  These include:  sound levels in v/o; reshooting my on-camera monologue (in film? not sure about this), reconsidering how much I use the count-down, considering more layering in the section called, Time, shooting a dawn to dusk time lapse in film, continuing the musical direction I have taken (no, nothing was done in Garage Band yet!), not appropriating any Hollywood film material (the confusion over the “cowgirls” was significant in that I do not want the viewer to assume they reference another film), leading the v/o before revealing my face, and completely reworking Immortality (last section) once I have other sections closer to completion.

“…though several experiments were successful, it was almost impossible to repeat them.”  P.D. Ouspensky

~ by Sally Cloninger on March 11, 2009 .

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