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A good day

I must say that I am glad all winter quarter work is behind me. I made some good progress on my film today. After quite a bit of deliberation and a phone call to the east coast (to Brodsky & Treadway), I decided that a lovingly transferred 45 minutes with scene by scene correction is a lot better than a one-light transfer (unsupervised) at Flying Spot AKA Lightpress. Big bucks I’m afraid no matter how you slice it…but I decided to trust Bob and Toni to do the job with my rather ancient Super 8 material shot in Bangladesh and Turkey in the late 1980s. So I will pack it all up in a day or so and Fed Ex everything to Boston to be ready for a slot that they are holding for me in the first week of April. I also have begun to transfer some very interesting audio. I spent hours on that today. I am going back to field recordings made on cassette (!). I know, it sounds completely mad. Time is…

On another note: the MAS screening notice is on the OFS email that went to membership today. Audrey changed the name of our screening but never mind…it is good to see the word out so early.

~ by Sally Cloninger on March 19, 2009 .

One Response to “A good day”

  1.   farcha08 Says:

    ooh! how exciting! what’s our new name?