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Well, it is the absolute end of Week 1 so this comes in under the wire. I am focusing on the Visual History Archive at present and spent a bit of time logging and capturing some rushes (about 65 minutes) for the final project that I am co-editing with Llyn DeDanaan. Wild Water Women Redux. We are making a push to generate more content and then forge ahead on a web presence for the archive. Truthfully, I cannot do two projects at the same time. Living in the Medium is on hold although I did some soundtrack culling over the break and have organized some rushes from the Philippines (had the Beta SP transfer done locally). In my last post I was set to bundle up all kinds of film and overnight it to Boston for a film transfer but decided to halt that activity. I have scratch versions of the footage and really, can be more selective when I do the transfer. I am starting to plan the Ready Camera One!-program for next year and that is taking a bit of time as well. I stepped into the CCAM on Friday; I really cannot wait to teach in that big control room. I will post some visual bits from the archive project soon and maybe a bit of sound or pic from LITM.

Well, on second thought here’s a little sound motif.  I could not upload an audio file (any one out there have any luck with that) so I uploaded this riff at as QT movie.  Called Glancing Loops and no, it was not made in Garage Band.


~ by Sally Cloninger on April 5, 2009 .

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