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Week 5 Yikes!

I have been busy:  mostly on EVHA work.  Helping Jin Darney with her podcast and editing her slide piece on the Vancouver program.  Editing with Llyn on a new and improved 30 minute cut of Wild Water Women Reunited.

This piece is becoming much more complicated and more fun.  Something that I thought was just a “home movie” actually is turning into an important archival document and a decent little film.  Lots more to do:  editing still is incomplete, end credits are nonexistent, sound is a mess.  You get the drift.

I have been worrying too much about the Visual History Archive web presence.  Too much worry, too little results.  It will come together.

Good rough cuts today…lots of progress and lots of hard work ahead for M.A.S.

And so what else is new?

~ by Sally Cloninger on April 30, 2009 . Tagged: ,

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