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Archive for the 'Production' Category

Archival Art

• February 19, 2009

The title of this entry may invite more than it delivers.  But I do wish to report that the concept of the Personal Archive has become a more central theme for my experimental piece, a result of this new direction (briefly described in an earlier post but not yet fully articulated*). I have been finding […]

Two Things

• February 17, 2009

Number 1: I spent hours on Monday doing the lynda.com tutorial for Lightroom. I mean hours. You know, maybe I should just buy the book. I learned some things but I must admit I have never been a good student when it comes to tutorials. I am trying to be very thorough this time. But […]

The proposition of hazard

• February 10, 2009

I am slowly finding my way to a new experimental piece (working title: Living in the Medium) and this morning have been reading JG Bennett and listening to this gentleman, Robert Fripp who coined the phrase that is the title of this blog. I think this is a lot like Return On Failure that we […]

New Video Test

• February 4, 2009

racherito1h264 Well, I just learned something, I guess.  I can link to a larger video test from this blog.  Hmmm. Early evening on the way to Rancherito. Jan. 2009

Thinking About IT

• January 25, 2009

Okay, I have empathy. I do. As of yesterday I finally let go of the concept for Red Rocks. No more Taos in the 20s. No more Frida and DH Lawrence. No more Brett. No more Mabel. The actual red rocks are still in it. The faked home movies too I think. But good-bye to […]