

Week Weekly Activity Weekly hours Cumulative hours
Week 1 Writing ILC draft 2.5 2.5
Commute 3 5.5
Class time 6 11.5
Reviewing notes .5 12
Reading Racial Indigestion 1 13
Finding articles 1 14
CAGJ work (Thank you notes, e-mail drafting, net pen fishing research, GE salmon research) 6 20
Racial Indigestion 1 21
Reading food articles and note taking 3 24
Watching native salmon documentaries 2 26
Researching history of salmon culture in PNW 3 29
CAGJ creating net pen aquaculture brief 5 34
Writing research summary 2 36
Read Racial Indigestion 2 38
Read Financial Life of Food 1 39
Note taking on articles 1 40
Quote Finding 1 41
Essay Writing 3 44
Week 2 Seminar and Student Project Reports 4 4
ILC and website workshop 2 6
Michael Twitty Munchies Podcast 1 7
 Reading Racial Indigestion  1  8
Net pen aquaculture brief with CAGJ 3 11
 CAGJ work  3  14
Creating CAGJ spreadsheet 3 17
Beginning Salmon Project outreach/ Collecting information 4 21
Researching Northwest salmon people 3 24
Website Post Draft Writing 2 26
Project information post draft writing 2 28
Reading Racial Indigestion 2 30
Rallying with CAGJ for immigration and indigenous peoples rights 5 35
Attending anti-inauguration march 4.5 39.5
Reading news articles 1 40.5
About My Project Post 1.5 42
Racial Indigestion 1 43
Reading Secret Financial Life of Food 1 44
Weekly Essay Writing  3  47 (91 cumulative hours)
Week 3 Progess/ Presentations 2 2
Kale harvesting/ farm time 1 3
Annie Tasting Lab 1 4
Seminar 2 6
Listening to “Let’s talk about whiteness” podcast 1 7
Research on segregation in Seattle and Redlining 2 9
Reading “Politics of southern food” 1 10
Writing GE salmon Blog post 3 13
Editing GE salmon post 1 14
Native salmon research 1 15
Outreach/ E-mail sending for CAGJ 4 19
Spreadsheet on local salmon organizations (@ CAGJ) 3 22
Transfering tasting lab post to blog
  • 1
Salmon outreach 3 26
Salmon treatie research 3 29
Article research and reading 2 31
Rallying in solidarity with immigrants and muslim people 4 35
Racial indigestion reading 3 38
The secret financial life of food reading 2 40
Weekly essay writing and drafting 4 44 (135 cumulative hours)
Week 4 Continued research on Tribal responses to GE salmon 2 2
Outreach for March 11th event (CAGJ work) 4 6
Spreadsheet work with CAGJ 2 8
Helping bagel preparation .5 8.5
Student project reports 3 11.5
Lunch and discussion 1 12.5
Tea tasting 1 13.5
Seminar 2 15.5
Internship update blogpost 2.5 18
Reading Racial Indigestion 1 19
Editing blog post for CAGJ 1 20
Responding to RSVPs for event, communicating with community partners 2 22
Creating memes/ informational images for CAGJ 3 25
Continued research for event purposes 2 27
Reading LaDuke 1 28
Reading Ending Jim Crow, ending racial and gender occupational segregation in the restaurant industry 1 29
Reading social media and food article 1 30
Additional outreach with CAGJ 2 32
Reading Newman 1 33
Research on Filipino history of Seattle 3 36
Tompkins reading 3 39
Synthesizing readings and draft essay writing 2 41
Finishing essay 2 43 (178 Cumulative)
Week 5 LaDuke reading .5 .5
SOS project reports 2 2.5
Lunch and seminar 1.5 4
Seminar 2.5 6.5
Outreach updates 2 8.5
Posting to CAGJ facebook group info sharing 1.5 10
Standing action against Bank Of America in solidarity with standing rock/ DAPL 2 12
Post editing 1 13
Work around CAGJ office 3 16
Watching Food Chains 1.5 17.5
Watching A place at the table 1.5 19
GE/ Wild Salmon Resource Collection 2 21
Creating Resources post for CAGJ 1 22
Listening to interview of Ron Reed on salmon and traditional native knowledge  .5  23.5
Watching Valerie Segrest Ted Talk on tribal food sovereignty  .5  24
Update outreach spreadsheet .5 24.5
Respond to e-mails .5 25
Update CAGJ Facebook page .5 25.5
Add writing and organize GE salmon resources page for CAGJ website 3 28.5
reading LaDuke Chronicles  2  30.5
Reading Afro-culinaria 1 31.5
Writing new project post/ editing 3 34.5
Watching “First Nations Serve Eviction Notice to Salmon Farmers” and other short videos .5 35
Writing Mid Quarter Self Evaluation 2 37
Reading News Articles 1 38
Writing Seminar Essay 3 41 (219 Cumulative)
Week 6 Seminar Discussion on LaDuke and Newman 2 2
Student Project reports 2 4
Lunch and tea tasting 2 6
Reading Tompkins 1 7
Drafting lunch and seminar for week 7 1 8
Submitting event to various calendars/organizations and publicizing 4 12
Final editing and posting of resources post for CAGJ 2 14
Research on recipe for week 7 meal/ seminar planning 2 16
Reading Tompkins 2 18
Creating and editing facebook posts for CAGJ 2 20
Pulling quotes from Valerie Segrest TEDtalk .5 20.5
Further research on Netpen salmon 3 23.5
Winona LaDuke TEDtalk on food and note taking .5 24
Seminar planning 1 25
Research on Native Food Sovereignty 3 28
Re-reading Tompkins 3 31
Looking at classmate websites 1 32
Updating tasting lab posts, creating reflections 3 35
Website work/technicalities 4 39
Project reflection post 2 41
Online article research/reading and note taking on High/Low Cuisine and Orientalism 3 44
Essay Writing 5 49
Updating tasting lab posts .5 49.5 (268.5)
Week 7 Food Prep work/cooking for class meal 2 2
Facilitating seminar 1.5 3.5
Zotero Workshop 1 4.5
Tea tasting 1 5.5
Bread Tasting Lab with Annie .5 6
Adding content to “Ways to get involved” page 1 7
Week 7 tasting lab post .5 7.5
CAGJ e-mail work 1 8.5
Figuring out recipe ingredients for 100 people .5 9
Reading Racial Indigestion 4 13
Finding and reading articles 1 14
Updating CAGJ social media/ drafting tweets, updating community partner page, outreach to organizations 5 19
Food Sovereignty research 1 20
Reading Racial Indigestion .5 20.5
Reading “Eating The Other” and note taking 2 22.5
Reading classmates blogs .5 23
Research on Food Sovereignty 1 24
Post drafting for “What is Food Sovereignty?” 3 27
Research/ news media context 2 29
Research on Native Food Sovereignty 3 32
Writing What is Food Sovereignty post 4 36
Re-reading bell hooks and note-taking 1 37
Writing Seminar Paper 4 41 (309.5 total)
Week 8 Seminar and lunch 3 3
Student project reports/ sharing 2 5
Tea Tasting 1 6
 Updating RSVPs, sending out e-mails and updating social media for CAGJ  5  11
 Drafting future posts and tweets  1  12
 Reading classmate blogs  1  13
Resolving tech issues for CAGJ 2 15
Updating tasting labs and working on “Ways To Get Involved” tab 2 17
Listening to “Bite” podcast “Cooking While Black” and “You’ve Never Actually Eaten Mexican Food” 1 18
Finding media contact info for CAGJ 2 20
Outreach updating/spreadsheets/ RSVPs/ Email sending 4 24
Research on structural racism in food system/ specific to native peoples 3 27
Post drafting 2 29
Reading Newman 3 32
Watching chefs table 1 33
Reading Dear Sean We Need to talk 1 34
Reading Tompkins and quote collecting 3 37
Article research 1 38
Writing weekly essay 3 41 (350.5 total)
Week 9 Project presentations and class conversation 2 2
Lunch and seminar 3 5
Tea tasting lab 1 6
Reading Tompkins conclusion 1 7
Reading LaDuke conclusion 1 8
Sending and drafting e-mail to Michael Twitty 1.5 9.5
Updating tasting labs/ editing 2 11.5
Website work 2 13.5
Reading classmates blogs .5 14
Upating RSVP work/ spreadsheets for CAGJ 2 16
Reading Newman conclusion .5 16.5
Listening to “The Secret Ingredient” podcast 2 18.5
Editing and drafting food insecurity post 4 22.5
Website tweaking 1 23.5
Updating “Ways To Get Involved” tab 1.5 25
Salmon cookout preparation and sign making 4 29
Updating final RSVP’s 2 31
 Food preparation and cleaning  2  33
Preparing the event space 2 35
Tabling and speaking to people for CAGJ 1 36
Listening to speakers/ attending event 2 38
Serving food/ kitchen work 2 40
Clean up .5 40.5
Writing salmon event post 2 42.5
Final touches for website 1 43.5
Updating ILC .5 44
Preparing final presentation 3 47