Author: thokat06


Week 7 ILC

This week I  had the opportunity to put in a garden for a disabled/low-income family. R- is the mom of three children. Two of her kids have autism. Her youngest, the only girl, has...


ILC Week 8

Log Hollow Farms On top of the normal watering/weeding/planting and wild plant exploration I have been doing, I spent time at Log Hollow Farms this week. I have known Rohn and Amy for almost...


Seminar week 1

Kat Thompson Week 1 370 words Triggering Passages:   Industrial agriculture is rooted in patriarchal scientific paradigm that privileges violence, fragmentation, and mechanistic thought. Rooted in ideologies of war, this paradigm promotes Monocultures of...


ILC Week 6

Well, I almost killed myself wildcrafting this week! No matter how much we know, we can always know more. Getting stuck in the ego trap of “already knowing” in the case of foraging can...


Seminar 7

Kat Thompson Seminar 7 729 Words Triggering Passages: “It was sweet, but Florida 7907 had one big flaw that made a variety a nonstarter for commercial production: It was too spherical. Florida growers like...


Tasting Lab Week 4

After 9/11 as a kid, my father lost his job, and my family went nearly three years before being able to celebrate Christmas. The second year after not celebrating Christmas, my older sister sat...


Tasting Lab Week 5

Reflect back on the guided visualization of starting as a seed in the ground, sprouting in the moist warm soil, emerging from your cozy nest into the crisp air and warming sun. Growing to...


Tasting Week 6

As you eat the root vegetable hash with kale rabe and the mixed spring salad, please consider how you’ve managed to feed yourself in hard times. What resourcefulness have you found yourself resorting to...


Seminar Week 2

  Kat Thompson Seminar Week 2 Word Count 408 Industrial agriculture is rooted inn a patriarchal scientific paradigm that privileges violence, fragmentation, and mechanistic thought.  Rooted in ideologies of war, this paradigm promotes Monocultures...