Seminar Week 2

Signs for Cascadia Cares Outreach



Kat Thompson
Seminar Week 2
Word Count 408

Industrial agriculture is rooted inn a patriarchal scientific paradigm that privileges violence, fragmentation, and mechanistic thought.  Rooted in ideologies of war, this paradigm promotes Monocultures of the Mind and monocultures on our land, denying the knowledge of agroecology ad of diversity, which is women/s knowledge. (Shiva, 113)

Gastronomy is a science that analyzes happiness. Throught food, which is a universal and immediate language, a component of identity and and object of exchange, it reveals itself as one of the most powerful forms of peace diplomacy. (Petrini 56)
MOJO Kevin Drum Oct 7, 2016
And when you’re a star the let you do it,” Trump says…Grab them by the pussy,” Trump says. “You can do anything”
Not surprised but surprised all at the same time. Disgusted, sad, hopeless.
How is this man our president? How did he get elected? Well the same systems that have elevated a moronic braggadocio to the top office in our country are the same people who have been colonizing the land and manifesting their destiny. The same “us first” mentality is the same mentality that makes companies such as Monsanto blaze ahead with the taste of profits on their breath, while ignoring the suffering and damage they are causing.
I feel that monocultures, gmo seeds, pesticides, and herbacides are all very masculine ways of farming. I like that the book touched on this. Instead of being loving stewards of the land we are grabbing the earth by her pussy.
I have to wonder if those who have vast amounts of money have a planet b. I can’t imagine continuing on knowingly in the kinds of practices that cripple the environment and leave humans with dirty water, air, and soil. I can’t imagine one doing this, unless they have a planet b. Otherwise they would be virutally ensuring their own destruction.
The president saying “grab her by the pussy” is pure illustration of the US pollicies on agriculture. Take what you want. Don’t worry about what is left or what you are entitled to . Take what you want and take it violently.
The time has come for the gentle stewardship of earth. For the loving encouragement of growth. It is time to pause and listen to the plants and the earth and find smarter ways of growing. It is time to return to the garden and to awaken the divine feminine not only in our government but also in how we feed our people.

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