Nature As A Commodity

Linsey Fields


April 2017

Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act

Alaska is a state with vast lands totally over 663,300 mi², it contains 32 various ecosystems ranging from the southern temperate rain forest to the northern tundra. Alaska is an area where extraction industries drive the politics and economy. It is… Continue Reading →

Tomatoland and Vibration Cooking

Triggering Passages: “Again, pesticide poisoning was the cause. But while the research money flowed into looking in to the causes of reptile and bird illnesses, not a nickel was spent on examining the laborers who spent their lives working, eating,… Continue Reading →

The Organic Act

In the United States, we consider our National Parks a treasure. Pieces of land set aside to be conserved for sublime feelings of awe and gratitude. This wasn’t always the case. To those who enjoyed the pleasures of modern capitalism… Continue Reading →

War and Greed

Triggering passages: “Basking in the same balmy climate as the state’s active retirees…But for tomatoes to survive long enough to take advantage of that huge potential market, Florida growers have to wage what amounts to total war against the elements…. Continue Reading →


For those of you that attended the second week tasting lab, you know that I may have strong feelings about cornbread. It was my contribution to the lunch as well as being a family classic that I love. So here… Continue Reading →

The Project!

Welcome to my website for spring quarter Commodification Processes and Alternatives. I am Linsey and my pronouns are she/her and they/them is acceptable as well. This is my second quarter in the SOS program ComAlt. Last quarter my project focused… Continue Reading →

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