Nature As A Commodity

Linsey Fields



Self Evaluation

This Spring quarter my main project focused on the Commodification of Nature and Land Use Policy. My medium for conveying ideas and concepts was the E-journal WordPress page. I regularly wrote two to three page essays on different readings. My… Continue Reading →

Vessel Quotas and Operating Requirements Impact Statement for Glacier Bay

The Final Impact Statement Executive Summary is a document and study conducted within Glacier Bay National Park. It asses the total impact to the ecosystem by the disturbance of marine vessels. This document sets the requirements for all vessels entering… Continue Reading →

Bear -Human Management Plan

“Bear-Human conflicts can lead to injury or loss of like for both humans and bears. Conflict between bears and humans must be minimized to ensure that bears retain natural habits and optimize longevity and reproduction, and to protect people and… Continue Reading →

The Commodification of the Wilderness Experience

No matter which state you are in there will always be an outdoor wilderness experience you can purchase. The most prevalent ones are probably whitewater rafting and ziplines, but there are numerous guided trips that are offered. Glacier Bay National… Continue Reading →

The Trouble with Wilderness-Part 2

I want to say, before we continue, I am in no way a foe of Glacier Bay. It is truly a remarkable landscape and I have a deep affection for the place. This project is to start a conversation about… Continue Reading →

Glacier Bay Park and Preserve Foundation Statement

“The Foundation Statement is a formal description of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve’s (park) core mission. It is a foundation to support planning and management of the park. The foundation is grounded in the park’s legislation and from knowledge… Continue Reading →

The Trouble with Wilderness-Part 1

“The time has come to rethink wilderness” (Cronon 1). The time has come indeed to rethink the concept of wilderness. What does it mean to experience wild places, or to even assign land with the word ‘wild’? It is a… Continue Reading →

A Brief History of Glacier Bay

From the beginning, National Parks have been crafted and worked into the picture-perfect landscape that we hold most dear in America. WE consider them our greatest invention. The invention of ‘Wild”. From the removal of Native Americans to the removal… Continue Reading →

Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act

Alaska is a state with vast lands totally over 663,300 mi², it contains 32 various ecosystems ranging from the southern temperate rain forest to the northern tundra. Alaska is an area where extraction industries drive the politics and economy. It is… Continue Reading →

Tomatoland and Vibration Cooking

Triggering Passages: “Again, pesticide poisoning was the cause. But while the research money flowed into looking in to the causes of reptile and bird illnesses, not a nickel was spent on examining the laborers who spent their lives working, eating,… Continue Reading →

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