Love School Again (Rough poetic)

(Note: Blast this simplified blog formatting.)

Make me fall in love with the school again.

The beautiful rush and thrill of learning


The pain and burden on all with early mornings and horrible formats and rules

The additional burden of marginalization.


Make me fall in love again, make it worth it, show me it’s right,

Or Change.

Because the beautiful rush of learning should not come with such a terrible price.



Make me fall in love again

With school

With this school

With learning and growing

Show me it’s worth it to be here

Show me it’s worth it to cry and loose sleep

Tell me again how to practice self care and prioritize

When turning around to tell me each assignment and piece of work

That I must complete.

Tell me how important attendance is

Tell me when everything is due

And tell me to take care of myself

That me is important


but loose credit if you’re out sick for more than a single day


make me fall in love with the thrill of learning

making a connection that was obscured before

make me excited to be in class in the morning

make me excited to hear each new lecture

make it worth the pain it causes to move

make it worth the cost of being present


or change it.


Tell me why it’s okay to be treated

as a number

as inhuman

maybe it’s not me

maybe it doesn’t touch me

and maybe I have no right to speak on it directly.


But I hear the people around me

and I see them even

if I am drowning here

barely keeping a head above water

let alone remembering the love of knowing anew

where is the fellow student weighed down with so much more burden?


Thirty feet below or more, murky depths above,

sunlight a filtered, distorted illusive warmth


they make themselves heard because they have to

listen to them

don’t deny or dodge

I can promise you

there is reason

and you need to trust


make me fall in love with school again

so many reasons not to

so many reasons to break


make me fall in love with the rush of knowledge

don’t taint what I can enjoy with the cries of pain

from so many sources and so many reasons

from others much burdened

from myself in so much pain


make me fall in love with school again.

Show me how it’s worth it and show me how it’s right to be this way

or show me how you’ll change.

Show me how it’s worth it to be treated this way

or change.




because it’s needed

learning is lost in this structural chaos

long before these weeks

an idea at the start

make me fall in love with school again


learning is lost in this structured



chaotic and trapped

fighting for the rush of learning to be pure and tainted no longer.


Learning should not need to be worth this suffering

learning should be allowed to be free and new and thrilling, as it first was.

It’s not worth it now

So change.


Make me remember what it’s like to love learning.

Let us love learning.


Note on “Love school again”

This is quite raw and scrabbled. It was an idea, a line. Make me love school again.

Then it was ideas, scrambled down on the page so they wouldn’t be lost. Placed haphazardly.

But then, when I look back and add on, I can’t find a pattern or a way to clean it up, and make it civilized. I don’t know that I should try anymore.

There is pain here, from experiences of other schools, of this one, of listening to the pain and burden that others have carried and carry to be here.

There is a love of learning, because that in and of itself is beautiful and creative and lovely.

There is protest of the structure that school and learning has been forced into. There is an idea that it shouldn’t be this hard or this painful. It hurts that the people trapped and hurting here aren’t just students, but everyone else in the web, stuck.

It a flawed system, but that system is mistaken for people who carry it on, because otherwise there is no where to start dismantling.

This isn’t a be all end idea or a fully articulated opinion, it isn’t edited much or rearranged and shifted to be something more beautiful or elegant. But I think maybe it shouldn’t be. Because while it isn’t complete truth, it is still truth. It is a piece, and every piece must be encouraged to be present, or we won’t ever get any closer to the complete truth.


(Additionally, the spacing which is always so important to poems or poetic expression are lost on this blog forum. It takes too much time and effort to re create the nuanced spacing and placement I had on my word processor. Minor spacing has been reintroduced, but otherwise each line has been given equal spacing on this medium, which is a little frustrating.)

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