Research Paper Draft Working Outline

This is typically a step that helps me solidify my thinking on my research and what I’m really looking into, and it gives me a starting framework to think about when I’m reading possible articles or anything else that might become a reference at some point. I rarely share this stage, so note that it is not final and the words I have thrown down here are far less carefully chosen than they will be in my final work.

ComAlt: Processes and Alternatives

Research Project: Draft outline



Working Title: Comprehensive Sex Education’s Connections to Social Justice Work

[Info: 10-12 pages double space. Due wk 8.

This outline is a draft, the materials noted here may change before the final paper, the research may change expectations, and spacing of researched material may change content needs, all notes are research possibilities and may not be fleshed out, finalized, or kept in future drafts. These are starting research points only.]


what is inclusive comprehensive sex education? And what’s still needed to be added?

Major area possibilities 1: sex worker rights?

Major Area possibilities 2: LGBTQ inclusive teaching and healthcare implications?

Major Area possibilities 3: creating consent culture and confronting rape culture.

Indirect Connections:

changing sexual ideals from realistic representation and teaching rather than purely pornography.

Self image? Bodily autonomy, et.

Safety around sex itself and its accessories, sex toys and consumer safety.

Improvement to individual self image and ability to communicate maturely?

Biology in nuance being taught and supporting LGBTQ and especially trans, nonbinary etc humans.




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