Week Nine Reflection and Report: Media, Priorities, and Finals Stress.

This week has been intensely stressful, even when it has not made for an abundance of work. The media and social media uproar around the protests and media representation has been tense, even before the school’s closure.

I’ve spent some time this week going over articles and news from the CooperPoint Journal and other sources, to catch up on what’s been happening and what’s being responded to. I’ve not been particularly informed about what’s been happening aside from coincidental happenstance, and I’m glad I took that time to catch up. However, much of it was done before the closure on Thursday, and that created an additional load of media, most of which I haven’t been able to get through.

It’s all stirred up a lot of feelings and dulled anger and frustration. It’s been hard to really feel what’s happening as real or that it has direct impact. I’m not sure if that’s partly because of a defensive mechanism, or only a manifestation of privilege. Either way, it’s been a worrying and stressful time, and the additional priority of trying to get done all of the final school work that I had agreed to at the beginning of this quarter has seemed almost surreal at times. Priorities are strange and warped in these times it seems, as schoolwork is supposed to be a priority, but so is safety and the social justice work that many students cannot disconnect themselves from.

It’s not much that I can really figure out how to describe or anything that I should be trying to explain to any audience but myself.

Besides trying to think and be knowledgeable what’s happening around me and the campus, I have been working on trying to get all of the pieces of writing I’ve been working on finished, posted, and sent to the appropriate places.

The academic statement needs to be addressed, and as the deadline gets closer I feel less and less able to write one that will truly serve me in any future endeavor, which is quite a frustrating feeling.

I am definitely needing to go back to working on all of these things, and all of these little stressors, so I will keep this week’s report to a minimum.

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