week 2 assignment, my experience with drawing

Cliff Robinson

Art Power and Math Action


Week 2 assignment My experience in drawing

I grew up with an appreciation of art of all types from music, sculpture, paintings and drawings. I have always had a desire to draw or be able to express myself in one of these mediums. However, my drawing experience is very limited. I have never been able to make any artistic drawings that was adorable to others in most cases it was unrecognizable, especially if I tried to be real expressive and venture into drawing something other than stick figures, grass or something that resembled landscape like the sun, mountains and on occasion water. I first attempted to draw in elementary school. I tried my hardest through-out my whole elementary school age to try and pick up tips from my class mates and even went as far as to check out drawing books from the school library. At one time or another I got slightly better but never anything substantial that rose to the level of what one might even remotely consider art. In middle school I took art as it was one of the required courses in order to progress to the next grade level. I once again attempted to draw something that would be at the very least acknowledgeable by others and convey how I felt or my attempt to invoke a positive reaction from those who would view it, once again epic fail. From that point on I sort of gave up on any artistic drawing ability that I hoped would manifest itself. I have not even attempted to draw anything at all in recent history. Perhaps this class can pull out potential to draw that I may have, if nothing else teach me some techniques I can attempt to employ.


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