The Writing Center at Evergreen

Image from The Writing Center web page
Tucked into a corner of the Daniel J. Evans Library Building, the Writing Center is one of the best little nooks on campus.

Work stations feel like home in The Writing Center
With cozy work areas nestled here and there, individual lighting, quirky gizmos dotted around, the place offers a restorative atmosphere – small-town library mixed with the happy freedom of a kid’s clubhouse. In no time at all, hands itch for pen and paper.
Director and Faculty Member Sandy Yannone
estimates that over the years, about 300 student peer tutors have helped many hundreds of student writers.
Each year a self-selected sub-set of the peer tutors write and design the Center’s signature publication, “Inkwell: The Student Guide to Writing at The Evergreen State College.” Focusing on the writing process, tutoring, writing, and the intersections of society and writing, the volumes vary widely from year to year. Taken as a collection, they eloquently represent the learning collaborations that go on here. Next time you’re on campus, drop by and say hello. You might catch a whiff of inspiration.