Editor’s Note: See the full text and gallery at Inside Evergreen, and more great photography by our Photo Services colleagues.
A photographer’s job doesn’t end after the pictures are taken. You could say that’s the beginning.

On stage at the 2013 performance of the Vagina Monologues presented by the TESC Womyn’s Resource Center. Photo by Shauna Bittle
From untold thousands of images, (as well as videos and audio recordings) brilliantly captured during the last academic year, staff Photographer Shauna Bittle and her intern Andrew Jeffers continue to work. The complex and arduous tasks of selecting the best examples, color correcting and adjusting each file, applying keywords and captions; now begins. Shauna must consider not only how they will be used today, but predict how they might be used in the future, in a continually shifting media landscape. The final selections (almost 10,000) are cataloged and published online.
Our image collection serves many purposes—to document, to explain, to offer visual details that words alone fail to express. They describe, verify, and amuse. Many are used to sell Evergreen to an increasingly competitive market. The more successful examples invite and engage the interest of jaded and weary viewers–all of whom are continually bombarded by media noise.
The tiny amount of work you see here is not intended to offer a fair representation of all that is Evergreen—our broad diversity in people, events and activities. These works were selected because they seem to offer a bit more in character and flavor. Perhaps they connect more with the heart than with the mind. The literary theorist and philosopher Roland Barthes famously described this intangible essence as a photograph’s punctum.
I invite you to see more of this work—from when Evergreen opened its doors 41 years ago, through last week, at photo.evergreen.edu/pictures.