KAOS in its new digs in the renovated CAB. Photo: Scott Stevens, host of “Spin The Globe” on KAOS Fridays at 10am on the west coast.
KAOS Radio turned 40 years old this year. The public radio station’s birthday was officially celebrated on January 1, 2013, 4 decades to the day after signing on for the first time. Take a walk through the decades on the the KAOS Anniversary Blog and stir up some memories.
Were You Part of KAOS History? Share Your Stories
Sadly, no one knows how many alumni worked at KAOS during their student years. No one knows if there are alumni who went into broadcasting because of their KAOS experiences or how many important lessons were learned while spinning the vinyls, editing tape, interviewing guests, or staffing pledge drives. When an institution is young and trying to find its way, it often forgets to tally up the metrics. So here we are at the 40th year of listener-supported, volunteer-powered community radio in the South Sound and we don’t know how to get in touch with KAOS alumni to say “thank you” for being part of the station’s history. Would you like to help us back-fill the story? Send your contact information and a brief note about when you worked at KAOS and a favorite memory. Please Type KAOS in big letters in the box labeled “tell us your news.”
Dues-Payers, The Heart of KAOS
On the same note, if you are a dues-paying member of KAOS – first off bless your heart! Second, we probably don’t have your email address either, so go to the same link, above, and let us know how to get in touch so we can share all great things going on campus and in the KAOS listening area.
Finally, whether you are near or far, you can still be part of the KAOS listening and membership family via live-stream. Because who ever has enough KAOS in their lives?
Happy Birthday to KAOS and to all KAOS alumni, wherever you are – down the street, across the country, and throughout the decades.