Spring Week 1: Hellebore
These purplish “petals” are actually sepals of the hellebores
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Hellebores growing at Jello Mold Farm
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Flowering fruit tree branches, Week 10
Prunus mume in bloom
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Prunus mume in bloom
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Flowering mystery plum
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Mystery plum flowering
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Mystery Plum
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Transplanting Cerinthe and Matthiola, Monday Week 10
Cerinthe transplants
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Cerinthe transplants
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Thistlehook, Week 9
Freesia emergance in the unheated greenhouse
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Daffodils blooming
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Cerinthe and Matthiola outside hardening off
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Seedlings, Week 8
Matthiola (Stock) seedlings Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Agastache seedlings Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon) seedlings Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Cerinthe seedlings Photo:Allie Kuppenbender
Marigold seedlings Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Thistlehook Internship, Week 8
Marigold seedling to be transplanted
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Marigold Seedlings to be transplanted
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Anika pounding a T-post for the peony netting
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Three forms of layering on the Prunus mume
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Pieris japonica covered by landscape fabric
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Doug cutting from mystery plum
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Little Big Farm, Monday Week 8
Phalin of Little Big Farm using the paper pot transplanter
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Maya using the Jang Seeder to seed carrots
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Conservation Easement Slides, OSU Small Farms Conference, Week 8
From Greenbelt Land Trust slide 1/1)
From PCC Land Trust slide 1/2)
From PCC Land Trust slide 2/2)
Le Mera Farm Slides, OSU Small Farms Conference, Week 8
Slide (1 of 5) from Le Mera Garden’s presentation
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Slide (2 of 5) from Le Mera Garden’s presentation
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Slide (3 of 5) from Le Mera Garden’s presentation
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Slide (4 of 5) from Le Mera Garden’s presentation
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Slide (5 of 5) from Le Mera Garden’s presentation
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Weird Plants, Monday Week 7
Peony eyes emerging
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Asparagus Crowns
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Spring Crocuses, Monday Week 6
Spring Crocuses
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Spring Crocuses have arrived!!!!
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Rotating and converting chicken coop into grow house, Monday Week 6
(BEFORE) Chicken coop-converted to grow house (will be rotated, window/front wall removed, covered in plastic)
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Rotating the chicken coop
Photo: Anika Goldner
Doug removing the front wall
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Inside the converted Chicken coop now that it’s rotated
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Sunday Valentine’s Market at Seattle Wholesale Grower’s Market Cooperative, Week 6
Product on display at the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market Cooperative
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Ranunculus to be unpacked
Photo: Anika Goldner
Flowers for sale at the Seattle Wholesale Growers Market
Photo: Anika Goldner
Protea for sale
Photo: Anika Goldner
Moroccan Date Palm for sale
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Ranunculus to be processed for market
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Freesia planting, Monday Week 5
Freesia Corms
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Allie planting freesia corms
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Anika planting corms into HortiNova for spacing
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Unheated greenhouse after freesia planting is complete
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Neem Oil foliar spray application, Monday Week 5
Anika foliar spraying the Turkish Bay
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Allie foliar spraying the peonies
Photo: Anika Goldner
Reggie, Boyfriend, and Betsy the cows love apples, Week 5
Reggie (a miniature cow NOT a calf) eatting an apple from Anika
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Betsy, Reggie, and Boyfriend begging for apples
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Happy greenhouse plants, Week 5
Happy yarrow in the greenhouse
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Look how happy these bean sprouts are!
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Thistlehook Internship, Week 4
Anika mixing up seeding mix
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Seeded Dill under the grow light shelf we built last week
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Prunus pushing bud!
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Blueberries being sheet mulched
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Pruning Hardy Kiwi
Hardy kiwi berry harvest
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Pruned female hardy kiwi berry plant
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Kela pruning hardy kiwi berry
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Mound Layering on California Bay, Thistlehook Wednesday Week 3
Doug taking cuttings from California Bay
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Roots of California Bay after mound layering
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Potted up California Bay cuttings
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Frog friends, Thistlehook Week 3
Frog Friend
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Frog friend
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Wheat, Seminar Week 3
View of wheat field from my grandparent’s house
Photo: Kim Kuppenbender
Wheat growing on my family’s farm in Flasher, ND
Photo: Kim Kuppenbender
Wheat field in Flasher, ND
Photo: Kim Kuppenbender
Boyfriend the cow
Boyfriend’s tongue
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Boyfriend and a Rainbow
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Thistlehook Farm Internship, Monday Week 3
Seeded Marigolds and Nasturtium
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Grow shelf built on Monday
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Pruning, Week 2
Rose pruning the apple trees
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Dave assessing a branch before a heading cut
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Dave pruning off a water sprout
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Anika pruning a blueberry bush
Photo: Allie Kuppenbender
Goat friends!, Week 2
Goats at the free wood chip place!
Photo by Allie Kuppenbender
Goat Friend
Photo: Anika Goldner
Cornus (Dogwood) planting, Thistlehook Farm Internship Week 1
Cornus varieties soaking up water before being planted
Photo by Allie Kuppenbender
Cornus after being planted
Photo by Anika Goldner
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