Image Gallery

Spring Week 1: Hellebore

Flowering fruit tree branches, Week 10

Transplanting Cerinthe and Matthiola, Monday Week 10

Thistlehook, Week 9

Seedlings, Week 8

Thistlehook Internship, Week 8

Little Big Farm, Monday Week 8

Conservation Easement Slides, OSU Small Farms Conference,  Week 8

Le Mera Farm Slides, OSU Small Farms Conference,  Week 8

Weird Plants, Monday Week 7

Spring Crocuses, Monday Week 6

Rotating and converting chicken coop into grow house, Monday Week 6

Sunday Valentine’s Market at Seattle Wholesale Grower’s Market Cooperative, Week 6

Freesia planting, Monday Week 5

Neem Oil foliar spray application, Monday Week 5

Reggie, Boyfriend, and Betsy the cows love apples, Week 5

Happy greenhouse plants, Week 5

Thistlehook Internship, Week 4

Pruning Hardy Kiwi

Mound Layering on California Bay, Thistlehook Wednesday Week 3

Frog friends, Thistlehook Week 3

Wheat, Seminar Week 3

Boyfriend the cow

Thistlehook Farm Internship, Monday Week 3

Pruning, Week 2

Goat friends!, Week 2

Cornus (Dogwood) planting, Thistlehook Farm Internship Week 1


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