On April 4th I met with fellow Student Originated Studies (SOS) classmates in the computer center on campus. We went over WordPress, Zotero, time logs, and internship expectations. I have decided to title my project Growing a Farm, I will set up a farm business from home this quarter based on my studies last quarter with the business readiness course Enterprise for Equity (E4E). I will finish my business plan and follow the steps to create a Wholesale Cut Flower business. My hands on learning will come from working as an intern on the Organic farm at Evergreen State College. I have also applied for a weeklong internship with Jello Mold Farm in Mt. Vernon, working with Diane Szukovathy, one of the founding members of The Seattle Wholesale Growers Market Cooperative in Seattle. I will round out my learning by taking a botany course through The Great Courses lecture series, entitled Plant Science: An Introduction to Botany by Dr. Catherine Kleier. https://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/plant-science-an-introduction-to-botany.html