
Hi, I’m ChloĆ©!

Last year I spent the two immersive quarters in Evergreen’s Terroir program, a class that reinforced and encouraged my long standing obsession with food and curiosity in people. Exploring various culinary histories and realities by literature, taste and sight snowballed my fascination and has left me with food on my mind since.

The more I’ve thought about food the clearer it has become that it is impossible to examine food and culinary tradition without exploring the histories and realities of the people behind them. Last spring I embarked on a project to explore access, and lack of access in the American food system, in doing so the power of food became impossible to deny.

This quarter in France I look forward to delving into the individual and communal histories of food in regions of the south of France and exploring histories of food through an inquisitive and sociological lens to better understand the regions culinary history and the people intrinsically tied to them.