Log Of Hours

WeekActivityWeekly HoursCumulative hours
Week 1 (and pre-departure work)
E-mail Correspondance22
Meeting with Sarah.52.5
Pre-departure meeting and meeting with dean13.5
Trip Preparation710.5
Research on destinations414.5
Reading "How We Eat"620.5
Reading "Kitchen Confidential"626.5
Reading "Belly of Paris"3.530
Flight from Seattle to Paris939
Watching Chef's Table: France443
Marché Des Enfants Rouge1.550
Centre Pompidou252
Reading "Food Politics"153
Gathering resources 356
Reading "Belly Of Paris"258
Research on Bourgeois Cuisine 361
Research on history of Restaurants1.562.5
Visiting The Louvre2.565
Week 2Reading "Food Politics"22
Watching "Chefs table, France"13
Reading "The Belly Of Paris"25
Exploring Nîmes, visiting Les Halles de Nïmes38
Research on Nîmes food history19
Website work/ Draft writing 211
Second visit to Les Halles De Nîmes, speaking to vendors213
Research on culinary history of Longuedoc215
Tasting of regional dishes bought at les halles116
Post writing1.517.5
Reading Contested Tastes320.5
Watching Somm: into the bottle1.522
Reading Food Politics325
Research on marseille227
Exploring montpellier330
Visiting historical sites in Nîmes333
Editing post134
Research on Provençal dishes236
Podcast on Provence137
Sustainable artists and artisans festival and workshop441
Week 3Marseille vieux port and fish market33
Exploring Marseille47
Reading food and femininity 310
Post writing212
Provence podcast113.5
Musée des beaux arts215.5
Musée cantini2.518
Exploring local shops/ speaking to vendors/ examining food trends220
Reading contested taste2.522.5
Musée de l'histoire de Marseille2.525
Research on local restaurants328
Eating at local restaurants/ speaking with people432
Reading food and femininty335
Provençal cooking class743
week 4Reading Gender and Aesthetics33
Reading food and femininty25
Fixing website issues3.58.5
Cooking traditional provencal meal1.510
Visiting palais des papes212
Reading journal articles315
Post writing 2.517.5
reading gender and aesthetics219.5
Looking at provencal recipes120.5
Watching Julie and Julia1.522
Listening to food podcasts224
Visiting les halles d'Avignon 1.525.5
Reading Physiology of taste227.5
Speaking with grandparents about changed in cuisine in the region130
Reading food and femininty232
Visiting and speaking to vendors at Luberon Paysan133
Visiting and speaking to vendors at le marche d'Apt2.535.5
Reading MFK Fisher1.737
Watching Chocolat239
Touring/ Speaking with mr. Chauvins poultry farm241
Week 5Visiting/ touring Bergerie de Berdine 22
Visiting/ touring goat cheese farm24
Watching Delicatessen1.55.5
Visiting Le potager d'un curieux16.5
Eating at les salicornes and speaking with jean-sebastian3.510
Interviewing Jean-Sebastian1.511.5
Reading physiology of taste213.5
Watching movie on les reines d'arles 1.515
Reading Mireille 217
Making pissaladiere 118
Recipe research/ Speaking with grandmother220
Reading My gastronomy323
Watching Toni (1935)225
Watching babettes feast1.526.5
Drafting post228.5
Reading journal articles1.530
Apt Saturday market333
Reading My Life In France437
Reading Food and Femininty 239
Recipe and food research241
Internship application445
Week 6Eating at Le Carillon and speaking with chef33
Reading Miréio25
Reading Gastronomical me27
Provencal food podcast29
Cooking confit de canard1.510.5
Reading escoffier guide culinaire212.5
Making légumes farcis+ research2.515
Reading my life in france116
Post writing218
Watching Pagnol trilogy624
Video work/technological difficulties630
Tour and speaking with owners of moulin a l'huille Julien232
Reading Gatronomical me335
Reading Journal articles237
Reading Politics Of Food239
Exploring Nice342
Research on culinary traditions 244
Week 7Tasting typical Niçois dishes11
Reading Food and Feminity34
Making legumes farcis26
Visiting/ researching marché forville28
Attending Salon De La Gastronomie Cannes513
Socca at Chez Pippo114
Globalization research 317
Post drafting219
Post writing423
more internship research 225
research on Lyonnais cuisine328
Eating at Bouchon Chez Georges230
Musée des beaux arts333
Reading Physiology of taste235
Internship application439
Marché Saint-Antoine241
Research on Lyonnais food344
Week 8Talk wine with Jean-François11
Field work on vineyard12
Read Physiology of taste24
Post research37
Working in vinyard4.511.5
Post drafting1.513
Post writing316
Reading Physiology of taste319
Speaking wine with Jean-François120
Working on farm424
Interview with Jean-François125
Reading Food and Femininity227
Working on farm431
Video editing233
Touring the wine cooperative1.534.5
Wine Primeur festival4.539
Working on farm4.543.5
Video editing 447.5
Week 9Reading on Côte du Rhone22
Drafting interview questions13
Post drafting36
Reading physiology of taste28
Visiting olive oil mill1.59.5
Olive oil research/ speaking with gilles and veronique2.512
musée Fabre315
Harvesting olives 823
Wine research225
Wine post writing429
Harvesting olives736
Interviews with chefs238
Olive harvesting442
Reading Heat345
Translating interview247
Resolving tech issues350
Post writing1.551.5
Week 10Olive research22
Reading Heat35
Research on italian food in france27
Visiting markets in Paris 310
Post drafting212
Reading Food Politics315
Watching before the flood1.516.5
Post writing218.5
Research on tapenade1.520
Filming tapenade video222
Post editing224
Tapenade video editing327
Post revision + technical issues229
ILC summary130