About gCORE

graduate Conceptualizing our Regional Environment gCORE FALL 2011

Judy Cushing            Lab I,   Rm 1003  (360) 867-6652   judyc
Martha Henderson  Lab I,   Rm 3018   (360) 867-6841  mhenders
Carri LeRoy              Lab II, Rm 3261   (360) 867-5483  leroyc

Faculty Office Hours:  Wed 4-5, or by appt.   Martha is also available T/Th 3:30-5.

Class Meetings:  Tuesday and Thursday, 6-10 pm, Lecture:  Sem 2 D1105. Seminars (generally 8-1opm):  Sem 2 D2107 (Martha), D2109 (Carri), D3107 (Judy)

Conceptualizing Our Regional Environment (gCORE) is the first core program in the MES degree requirements. Taught only once each year as the inaugural class for new MES students, gCORE serves a number of functions. Its curriculum introduces new students to the Graduate Program on the Environment, to the MES degree, to The Evergreen State College, and to the Pacific Northwest. gCORE focuses on environmental conditions and issues unique to the Pacific Northwest (WA, OR, BC, ID, and northern CA), highlighting the geographic area east as well as west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon. Many students are new to the general topics of environmental studies, the Pacific Northwest, and/or interdisciplinary learning, but we recognize that some students will have exposure to these areas of study and are expected to deepen their understanding of gCORE topics. All students will achieve familiarity with, or deepen their understanding of regional dynamics, physical characteristics and ecological relationships in prairies, forests, deserts and waterbodies; Native American tribal issues; environmental justice; climate and energy issues; environmental economics and policy; and cultural landscapes of Washington and Oregon. We aim to demonstrate how the critical issues under investigation cannot be solved by individuals working alone, nor by teams from a single discipline, but must be addressed from an interdisciplinary point of view. Program themes are explored at the regional level through readings, lectures, field trips, research presentations, project work, workshops, and seminar discussions.

In addition to investigating ecological issues relating to the Pacific Northwest, gCORE orients students to interdisciplinary, experiential, and cooperative problem-solving. Faculty will present readings and lectures that inform and demonstrate how these curricular and programmatic challenges are achieved. Program expectations, specific learning strategies, skill-building, advising, and familiarization with campus resources also constitute major parts of the gCORE curriculum. Adjunct faculty who teach ecology-, energy-, policy-, and economics-based electives will be introduced to students through guest lectures.

Program activities are outlined in the Program Schedule (and updated by week on the web). Please consult the syllabus  for further information about expectations and requirements, assignments, etc., and the program schedule for an outline of weekly activities.

Additional specifics will be added to the class schedule as the quarter progresses, so students are asked to use the program web site as their primary source of program information:  http://blogs.evergreen.edu/gcore.