Week 7 – Nov 8 & 9



Reading (due Tuesday):  Goble & Hirt Ch. 15,19

Reading (due Thursday):  Maibach, E., C. Roser-Renouf, A. Leiserowitz.  2009.  Global Warming’s Six Americas 2009:  An Audience Segmentation Analysis.  Yale Project on Climate Change and George Mason Universtiy Center for Climate Change Communication.


Due Tuesday in class :  Seminar preparation, answer the Three Questions (1-5 sentences each, one page max), bring hard copy, and post to Moodle.

Due Thursday in class :

  1. Working Group Assignment:  Prior to class, converse with your Working Group, and revise the team’s climate change impact statement that was posted Nov. 3.  Then post on the moodle (under Topic 2 – Term Project –  upload) here BEFORE THURSDAY WORKSHOP, a revised statement of your Working Group’s 2-3 most critical impacts concerniWorking Group Revised Reports.  Each impact statement should be written as full sentences (1-3 sentences) and be as specific as you can make it with respect to severity and year when that impact will materialize, given the information in the WACCIA.  Give your forum post your topic as a title, i.e., one of:  Water, Energy, Agriculture, Salmon, Forests, Coasts, Urban Stormwater Infrastructure, Human Health.
  2. Individual assignment:  Draft 3-5 questions that you would like to ask during our Interviews about climate change.  Post these to the moodle and bring hard copy to class.   Remember:  the PURPOSE of the interviews is NOT TO CHANGE ANYONE”S MIND!  Your questions should be specific, and designed to help us:
  • determine subjects’ attitudes about climate change, if and if so how they act on those attitudes, and
  • understand WHY they hold those attitudes (what info they use, and who they trust).
  • accomplish any other task you think is helpful to project goals.

Other events this week:

  • Tues Nov. 8, 5:30 – 5:50.  MES Thesis Presentation, SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS USAGE AMONG CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNERS 2006-2011, Aaron Litwak.

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