Tacoma Campus Visit

Jessica brought up that there has been an inconsistency with the people volunteering to be on committees but not fulfilling them. She suggested that we start using our task list again to have more accountability. It was brought up that the GSU could use Moodle or Google Groups to converse throughout the week (without email) and be able to correct meeting minutes before meetings to save time. Members could post progress notes, goals they are setting and keep track of attendance. Jessica made the motion to use Google Groups to keep members connected over the week. Tasha seconds motion. Motion passed.

There have been some absences this quarter and it has brought up some concern about the policy about absences. Currently the policy is that 2 unexplained absences means the GSU recommends for removal and the GSU votes to remove that member.  It was suggested that we had a new policy stating that 4 absences through the quarter (even if excused) can be recommended for removal.Chelsea is going to write up an absence policy for next meeting.

MiT Program:
Kent has brought up that the legislator has now doubled the standards from a few years ago for the MiT program. He really wants to change this and see why it’s been changed and it’s changed to be so much more difficult. Courtney is going to talk to her seminar group while Kent continues to do research.

Sexual Assault Policy:
Jessica is going deeper into her original reason for being on the GSU, which is to help work on the sexual assult policy here at Evergreen. She just wanted to check in with the GSU and let them know what she is going to be doing.

Outreach Committee:

There have been members going out to classrooms and advertising for the committee openings on campus. They are passing out handbills and sign-up sheets to try to get students involved in their classes. Amy is going to table this week to advertise the committee openings as well.

Constitutional Amendment:
Every quarter students have to resign from the GSU for various reasons and it makes it very hard for new students to get onto the GSU. It was suggested that it would be 3 alternates and they would be the next 3 highest votes on the ballots and would be notified that later in the year they might be able to fill the position. The next elections this will be on the ballot as a ballot item. It has to be turned in by week 5 of next quarter.

Special Initiative Budget:
The budget needs to be renewed for spring quarter for the new amount of stipend for all that new GSU members. Eli is going to attend the necessary workshops to submit a new Special Initiative.

Present: Kent, Josh, Eli, Chelsea, Nate, Louis, Ryan, Jessica, Courtney, Ken, Tasha, Willy

Absent: Amy, Kelli, Joseph, Kyle, Jazmin, David, Andrew, Mary-Lou