Public Comment:

Art Constantino announced that he is in favor of creating murals around campus but needs students help to draft guidelines for these murals. He wants to know what students find valuable and really wants their input. The commitment would be a seldom few hours within the next quarter. Jazmin is going to talk to “Dirty Hands” and invite them to come to the GSU meeting to see if they want to be involved with the committee to draft guidelines. The office manager is sending out a TESCCRIER to offer to the whole student body.

Academic Statement Contest:

Phyllis Laneannounced that there is an academic statement contest that is open to the whole student body for a cash prize. She has asked the GSU to assist in spreading the word and advertising.

Tacoma Visit:

The driver of the van is Louis and we will only need one van. The van is leaving from C lot at 1:15 next Wednesday. Mara from WSA is attending theTacomameeting as well.


Eli West has resigned from GSU.

Meeting Minutes:

Josh motioned to approve the minutes. Tasha seconds. Chelsea and Ryan abstain. Motion Passed.


Present: Courtney, Chelsea, Nate, Andrew, Josh, Ryan, Amy, Tasha. Jazmin

Absent: Kelli, David, Louis, (Excused) Ken, Willy (Unexcused)