Present: Andrew, Louis, Chelsea, Nate, David, Courtney, Josh, Amy, Kelli, Tasha
Absent: Ryan
Summer Office Manager:
The current office manager will post on CODa and tesccrier about the position opening in the summer. The GSU also put together a To-Do list for the summer office manager next year. These are the things in this list:
- Assemble list of committees for next year
- Plan Retreat
- Orientation week advertising
- Create 2012-2013 ListServ
- Create Facebook for GSU
New GSU Members 2012-2013:
The GSU has noticed that only one member of the current GSU is running for next year. The GSU decided to brainstorm a list of things that the new GSU members need to complete in the fall to continue fluidity of into the next year. Members also volunteered to come to the GSU meeting next fall to help jump start the new members.
- Hire new Office Manager for 2012-2013 school year
- Assign Committee point people
- Plan fall elections
- Special Initiatives Budget
- Portfolio
Phyllis Lane:
Phyllis made the announcement that the DTF will need a few students to help for 2 full days and 4 half days in the summer to help with orientation week.