Members Absent: Nina Sullivan , Matthew Noonan, Nat Lefkoff, Forest Hunt


Chair: Tyler Bieber


Public Comments: None


Meeting Minutes:Approved


Agenda: Approved




Check In’s



November 1st-budget banzana- learn about the budget process and reform


Molly mentioned that Marry Hall would like to meet/present to the GSU at a scheduled time.


Misha and Anne requested to form two internal committees:

Student Space Committee-create a 24 hour space for students to study (library?)

Food Committee- a space to prepare food for folks who do not live on campus


Raven proposed a workshop on students rights with the law and how to interact with law enforcement. This is in response to the police action at the Books to Prisoners party.


Presidential Search DTF-Sarah Peterson and Richard


December 1st-soft closing-candidates would be sure that their applications would be considered

DTF does not see the applications until November 21st.


Nominate Form is online:


Presidential Search Homepage:


Second Week of January: A list of recommended candidates will be presented to the Board of Trustees

January-Febuary: finalists will be on campus


There are currently two student representatives on the committee (undergrad and graduate)

There a missing position that needs to be filled

November 12th: Board will be on campus, bring recommendations to appoint a new student to the position

Representative from the Tacoma Campus?

Richard – S&A active student at Tacoma Campus recommended by Tacoma faculty rep Gilda on committee

Linkon will follow up with Gilda and Richard




-WSA: Similar to WASHpirg in terms of student advocacy

work in state government, student lobby, focuses on WA issues

-Youth Voters Coalition-working along with WASHpirg and other organizations

registered over 8600 students across the state on college campuses


-Ending Sexual Violence Task Force-ending sexual violence on college campuses

seeking GSU rep for this task force

campus report cards (grading campuses) What are we doing well? What do we need to work on

Task force state wide day of action in november 15th. Promoting awareness/education/advocacy

monday, november 10th, task force has meetings over the phone



-College Affordability

defining minimum standard of college affordability

creating an endorsed model for college affordability

college affordability is work affordability, expectation for students to contribute financially

calculating minimum that states need to contribute in order to call it a public school


-Other Projects

Upcoming general assembly on november 8th , proportional presence from schools

-Free speech zones-some schools expressed concern, all of campus should be a free speech zones?

Establishing safe spaces free speech


-Allowing students to use ebt cards on campus


January 30th-Evergreen will be hosting a WSA meeting

Provide a space, budget for lunch (30-40 representatives), provide a conference phone




CRC Modernization Project-Matt Newman

CRC renovation project

moving forward as a conceptual piece

brought visuals of the potential architecture for the CRC


Proposed ideas:


outdoor covered play area

health wellness center-between CAB and CRC with student led gardens

covered field area

sustainability design-natural ventilation for gym, rainwater collection for grey water system, solar preheat system

More doors for entry


Green Screens-Jimmy Hadley and Bob Herdlein

possibility of having videos/audio on green screens

seeking video submission from GSU to pilot videos on Green Screens

$4400-6000 for potential upgrade

Jimmy had success with 4 second video

can be used to promote the GSU on campus



Other Events

Oomung has resigned as a GSU member on facebook

Tom will contact the next person in line, Lucas Knight


Student Space Committee formed: Misha and Raven

Food Committee formed: Nick, Misha, and Emily

Anne motioned Zach Fleig to Policy Committee and CLUC (nominated)