GSU meeting 10/19.

Reps present: Waylon Robert, Aidan Ripley, Christopher Tufts, Brandon Ellington, Alexander Butler, Naia Danko, Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Adam Bartell, Devin Moncada.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Chair: Asher Matthews.

Meeting started at 1:16.

Motion to add Jill Stein to the Agenda after check-ins.


Motion to add UWT event to the Agenda after Jill Stein.


Motion to approve Agenda and Minutes.


Public Comments:

WashPIRG explained to us that their meeting will be held today at 5 in Sem II D3105.


Tom Mercado talked to us about the Bias Incident Response Team needing students.  He also mentioned that we needed to advertise the applications for new representatives more.

Dylan said he had sent an email to Wendy Endress concerning the Greener Commons post discussed last week.  He will send her another email today.

Brandon talked about his role as treasurer and his 8 hours of office hours per week.

Alexander explained to us that he will know if the Flaming Eggplant approves his project on Monday.

Naia talked to us about the complications that happened with the Jill Stein campaign.  Due to a lack of communication and a very short notice, the GSU had to step away from sponsoring Jill Stein’s appearance at Evergreen on 10/24.

Camille asked for the GSU’s vote concerning the reimbursement of gas for her and some other former and current reps to go to an event held by UW Tacoma tonight.

Motion to approve.


The GSU reps talked about who would participate in what committees.  List to follow.

Re Vote on the Deputy Speaker.  Motion to apply Robert’s Rule, which makes the vote from two weeks ago stay the same.


Dylan stays Deputy Speaker.

Chris talked to us about possibly changing the attendance policy in our bylaws.

Motion to make missing the Tacoma visit the equivalent of missing two meetings instead of three.


Motion to have to give at least a 2 weeks notice to the Executive Director when knowing that a GSU meeting will be missed due to outside work.


Waylon and Tom talked to us about their project to have the WA State Supreme Court hold court at Evergreen in the Fall 2017.  Would  be over two days.  Something similar will be held at Bellevue College November 14th through 16th.  Very early stages for now.

Alexander explained to us that there were some complications for his project to make all the bathrooms in SEM II all-gender.

Elissa Goss, Executive Director of the Washington Student Association (WSA) gave us a presentation about WSA.

Tom agreed to answer any question the reps might have concerning their SLARS due next week.

Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:01.