Representatives Present:  Jacques LeBlanc, Jenny Whitfield, Mia Harvey, Jasmine Wong, Francisco Daza, Brandon Ellington, Levi Campbell, Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Aidan Ripley, John Gundayao, Devin Moncada, Kin Chun Yun, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Adam Bartell, Micah Nordgren, Rebecca Canright, Alexander Butler, (Robert Tacker and Naia Danko on the phone).

Executive Director: Camille Closson

Advisor: Tom Mercado


Meeting started at 1:17.


Motion to approve Agenda.



Motion to approve Minutes



Public Comments:

Kai-ave Douvia – WA’s Campus Free Expression Act HB 1362.  Free speech on campus campaign.  Maybe wanting Charles to lobby for it.



Camille talked about the WSA meeting on 01/28 and gave a legislative update to the team for Charles Adkins.

Waylon talked about his fundraising efforts for the internship fund.

Asher read a statement from Benjamin Huff, WSA Legislative Liaison, concerning possible tuition freezes, the bills that concern open education, State Need Grant, and decoupling S&A fees from students’ tuition.

Mia talked about organizing the lobby day, the registration form is pretty much ready, will bring lobbyists to campus.  Also updated us on the Power of One Conference.



$8/student/quarter.  Would not depend on the S&A Board anymore.  The idea was already voted on by the student body last year.  Need 50% of the student body to vote to institute a fee.  Mac will bring his proposal to the team to put the GSU Fee on the Winter ballot next week.



Erik Jung gave us an update about what WashPIRG has been doing at Evergreen.  Renewal of the fee this year.  8$/student/quarter.  

Motion to put the WashPIRG Fee on the ballot.



Winter Ballot

Motion to add Sanctuary Campus to the Ballot as an advisory vote



Motion to add a survey on the Wellness Center’s hours to the Ballot.



Power of One Conference

Motion to use $492 from our budget for transportation to the Conference (if budget is approved by S&A).



Motion to let Mia apply for a special initiative budget after Brandon reviews the proposals.



Motion to adjourn



Adjourned at 3:00.