Representatives: Charles Adkins, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Adam Bartell, Brandon Ellington, Devin Moncada, Mia Harvey, Francisco Daza, John Gundayao, Kun Yin Chung, Aidan Ripley, Naia Danko, Micah Nordgren, Waylon Robert, Jacques LeBlanc, Jasmine Wong, Mike Espy, Robert Tacker.

Executive Director: Camille Closson

Advisor: Tom Mercado
Meeting starts at 1:20.


Motion to move Budget to after Student Trustee


Motion to approve Agenda



Motion to approve the past two weeks’ minutes



Public Comments

Tom told the team 16% of students have already voted


Check ins:

Dylan updated us on his tabling.  Got three suggestions today: one to remove the smoking shelter from the child care center parking lot, one asking for more compost bins, and one telling us to “F*ckin’ Do It”.

Mia told us that the lobby day went well.  6 students went, met with many different officials.  Also told us she got the money she had asked for from the S&A Board for the Power of One Conference, also  managed to fundraise from other places on campus. Still needs to fundraise.

Waylon and Xavier Womeldorff will be meeting with potential investors.

John is meeting with Dr Kelly Brown from the Wellness Center concerning Mental Health and Wellness.  Also saw online that a swastika had been put on a student’s door in the dorms.  Will follow up with them.  Told us the student in question was talking to Police Services.

Rebecca talked to us about the fact that her (and Aidan) have to leave at 2 in order to go to a sustainability committee meeting in Purce Hall.  Also gave us a legislative update.

Camille asked the team about what they would like to talk to Wendy Endress about.  Erik from WashPIRG and her also talked about the NSLVE and the All In Challenge to see if any of the reps would like to help setting both of those things up on campus.


Motion to strike Student Forum from the Agenda and talk about our Election Policy instead



Back to check ins:

Brandon showed us the draft of the budget for next year and also mentioned how one of the articles of our Constitution requires us to have a Historian.  Would like to nominate Devin.

Motion to have Devin be our historian.


LaTonya from Tacoma talked to us about being the new election commissioner on the Tacoma campus.


Election Policy:

Should there be other polling stations than ours or not?  Should people at polling stations be able to campaign at the same table or not?

Motion to edit section 1.3 of our election policy to say “with the exception of initiative campaigning”.



Student Trustee Process:

April 14th for applications for Student Trustee.  Have to present 3 students’ names to the Governor by April 14th.  Applications to GSU due April 4th.

Motion to ask for a resume, two recommendation letters, and a cover letter for the application


Motion to add the 2 questions to the application process.

Meeting adjourned at 2:50.