Representatives present: Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Charles Adkins, John Gundayao, Francisco Daza, Rebecca Canright, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Kin Yun Chung, Jonathan Leggette, Waylon Robert, Micah Nordgren, Aidan Ripley, Jenny Whitfield, Adam Bartell, Naia Danko.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:24


Motion to add Budget to after Lobby Day


Motion to add Bylaws changes to after the last agenda item



Motion to approve Agenda with changes



Motion to approve Minutes



No public comments



Camille asked who would like to volunteer for the student forum committee

Rebecca for student forum committee.

Mac talked about a software the GSU used to have (legacy google doc).

Phoebe updated us on her work for the student forum and also let us know that she wanted to create a survey for study abroad.

Charles gave us an update on the attorney general briefly coming to campus on the 24th of April as well as a legislative update.

John talked to us about his meeting with Doctor Kelly Brown.

Devin let us know that his historian report was nearly done.

Waylon updated us on his meetings for the endowment.


Lobby Day

March 22nd from 10 to 5 at the Capitol.  2 hours blocks.  12-1 lunch session in the Dome Deli.  Will have an hour long prepping meeting on the 22nd before going to the lobby day starts.  Mac,Rebecca, Camille, and Waylon interested to go.



Motion to plan an event in Fall quarter “GSU Fall Convention”


Motion to allow Brandon to keep working on the budget and submit it to the S&A Board.




Beth let us know about the election results:

The GSU Fee was approved, so was WashPIRG’s.

Immigrant Support, Relocation of the Evergreen Archives, and the Wellness Center Poll have been approved as well.

She also let us know that candidacy forms for Spring elections are now available.

Motion to approve the election results



Campus petition to prioritize carbon reduction

Diems from Greener Futures showed us drafts of a petition to give the administration, showing them that they need to prioritize carbon reduction so they can reach their 2020 goal.

Motion to endorse the petition and its goal.



Naia called in and let us know that she had resigned from the parking infraction committee.


Meeting week 1.

Motion to not have a meeting during week 1.



Tacoma trip.

Tentative date of May 16th.

Will be voted on, week 2 of Spring.



Motion to remove the word “also” from the sentence “GSU representatives also exist to serve the student body at-large”.



Motion to approve the changes to the bylaws



Adjourned at 2:24