Geoduck Student Union Meeting Minutes

18th October 2017 in CAB 301

Meeting started at 1:20 with the Medicine Creek

1:23: Public Comments/Check Ins

  1. Melissa Saiz-Matheny – To advocate that reps talk to their classes and tell them about the election. Talk about why they are a rep and build up as many contacts and candidates as possible.
  2. Elijah Maloney – New WashPIRG Organizer introducing themselves. Lead campaign 100 percent Renewables, Pell Grants, Textbook Affordability, and more. They want to get GSU support on it. They will come back with a proposal for collaboration with the GSU. Also, WashPIRG Kick off meeting is tonight at 4:30PM in S2-3105
  3. Justin Puckett – GSU needs to propose someone to be on the board of Trustees by the end of the week. GSU needs to vote on that member. Asher asked about the application process.
  4. Asher M. – when does the body go to Tacoma.
  5. Jeannette – we go in winter quarter 1 time a quarter for Tacoma.

1:30: Brandon gave an update on the SI committee talking about the trinity of SA, CEC, and GSU.  The addressing of the subcommittee information will be something that will be addressed. Everyone should be going to the meeting with notes from now on.

1:34: Julie Sloan came to talk about the Faculty and Agenda committee meetings. She helps facilitate the work in front of them. Will be talking about governance.

  1. Wants to get faculty representation on eat of these items on the Assigning Cheat Sheet.
  2. Steve Blakeslee is the faculty chair and is more than willing to come and talk to the GSU about the committee.
  3. Asher M. when do these groups meet? J.S they only have information about when the agenda committee meets and the agenda. They would have to look up the point people and Julie will make another list with that information.
  4. Brandon E A rep should go to the faculty meeting and come back with updates. Why don’t faculty come to our meetings and how do we encourage them to do so? J.S write to Steve and give faculty an invitation to show reciprocation so a member of the Agenda committee can come and join us as well. Steve reached out to Jeannette to let us know that we are welcome in that space. She will give us a schedule of the meetings as well. A week ahead of the meeting is the time to submit for a spot on their agenda. The Agenda committee is not a part of the voting body but a separate body.
  5. Faculty meeting in Purce Hall 4 at 3:00PM to 5:00 PM Firm start at 3:10PM.
  6. Justin Puckett – Executive Assistant Vice President

1:47: Devin’s Constitutional Conflict Motion

  1. Made a motion to establish constitutional precedence
  2. Asher made a 2nd to the motion.
  3. Puckett’s Amendment to motion to make a decision to split the motion in half. And touch on the specific bylaw suspension at a later time to give the group time to think about it.
  4. Brandon how do you determine if a bylaw is in conflict with the constitution. He would like to see them.
  5. Charles Amendment is to suspend the specific provisions that are in conflict with the constitution. He also fears that later, the person who makes the decision can make a lot of changes to the GSU that could possibly be radical.
  6. Marth Zo made an amendment to have the body decide as a group which were in conflict
  7. Charles moved to make an amendment.
  8. As it now stands the motion the GSU believes that the constitution is more important than our bylaws and then we will sort out the rest of the information at a later meeting.
  9. Kai-Ave made a motion to reduce the Help Desk Trip to 20 mins so we have more time
  10. Martha makes motion to table until after the interview.

2:09:  Interview for Elections Commissioner Melissa Roszak

2:17: Candidate Deliberation: The candidate for the position was not hired.

2:26: Reopening the motion and we have already passed a motion to divide that motion into two.

2:31 Motion passed stating the fact that the Constitution is more important than the Bylaws.

  1. Rules Committee to decide which bylaws and parts of constitution are in conflict.
  2. Charles wanted to make a motion to strike everything amended and go with the original motion.
  3. The Rules Committee to get a ten. Schedule on the bylaw/constitutional conflicts.
  4. 2:40 Motion to solve the conflict with GSU member issues.
  5. Jeannette and Beth to work together to propose a constitutional clarity and options on the issues. Then it would be presented through the rules committee.
  6. Devin: We have no mechanism to do that; it goes to the Rules Committee and then back to the GSU.


Guests: Julie Sloan, Wendy Endress, Elijah Maloney

Representatives present: Charles, Emily, Brandon, Devin, Ian, Asher, Alex, Brandon, Justin, Rebecca, Arne, MarthaZoe