Meeting Minutes 10-25-2017

1:20: Start Time Medicine Creek Treaty

1:21: Minutes from the previous meetings approved

1:22: The speaker’s moment about spreading the role of chairing amongst the group

1:24: Wendy’s Presentation. Broad representation of student voice informational piece. Student Caucus to be in touch with government, admin, and faculty. The Caucus would be happening 1 or 2 times per quarter.

Moncada: Time Commitment and level of involvement.

Wendy: 1 hour a week and a couple every other week during the month.

People Interested: Jacques Leblanc, Alex Markely, Asher Matthews, Justin Puckett, and Waylon Roberts.

Part B

Student Conduct Code has been under revision. We are at the point that those revisions are being rolled out and forums/online feedback. IF not, they would like to be on the Agenda at a later time

November 8th would be the date and it could be done during the meeting. If we are interested in cohost, Please let Wendy know ASAP. Week 6 or 7 it would be. 8 representatives are interested at this time.

1:31 Leg. Committee: Veterans tuition bills which reeves decided to sponsor. They made the Leg agenda. Spoke with Kingston to draft the homeless stipend bill and hopeful to get it to sells to sponsor next week. Lydia Dye resigned. Nominated Jacob Gloss and during the vote, he was voted yes to become the Local and Legislative Liaison.

1:35 Possibly of paying students for committee and they are surveying students. They are also working with the finance committee to get this structure hammered out. We potentially have the money to fund this program. We are currently thinking about a tiered structure. The largest complaint was that students weren’t being paid to sit on committees and they want to be paid for their time.

Fall Convention: Of the mind that all the sub committees need to participate in that.

Elections Outreach: Also need to be sorted out.

1:37: Finance Committee: Redoing 5 year and biennial budget plans. The budget is solid for fall quarter. If there are ideas for that money, please send requests. They are also working on the student committee reimbursement.

Faculty Meeting Update: Student code of conduct was mentioned TESC is under extreme scrutiny. There is a lot riding on the work that we do and that everyone else does. There is a leak somewhere on campus so please be careful as to what you discuss on there. We should back up present work and focus on freshman and there are two seats on the committee. Goal is to pay students to do that committee work that is needed. Event in winter which is a Symposium Pilot Pathways Structure for the curriculum. Equity, Community, Morale, and Retention.

1:41 Constitutional Drafting Committee: The new members are Martha and Ian. There is a working draft of the constitution that the committee will be talking about today. Has campus constituents to help with the work.

1:43 Rules Committee: Slack Updates. 250 from the updates.

1:45: Sub Committee 1 Trying to mesh schedule and leblanc has an idea for communication.

1:49: Sub Committee 2: Had no updates.

1:53: Committee Break Out Groups

2:08PM: Fall Convention Planning

Asher: Problem Week 7 Internship Fair

Leblanc: Booth to capture leakage from the internship fair and have reps, copies of the bylaws and the constitution.

Kai-Ave, Waylon, Leblanc.

Asher: Motion to push back the fall convention to week 8.

Devin (pro): We need to hold that space and follow our commitment

Justin (con): We need to show support.

Leblanc: Could have a table at the internship fair.

Marth Zo: We could stagger the time from the internship fair if we started at 1:15 7 in favor and 2 against.

2:19: Administration involvement

Devin: we should have some involvement even if we don’t agree with them so we can keep that avenue open. We shouldn’t merge that forum.

Alex: We are elected and the PEA was not so we shouldn’t cohost.

Brandon: Move to merge hearing comments about the conduct code with the GSU fall Convention. (NOPE).

Asher: Motion to have the Forum in Lecture Hall 4

Devin: Proposed Constitutional Changes. A presentation or a quick speech 10 minutes total.  Then changed the motion to include all the committees speaking.

Martha: Doesn’t think that it is needed for all the committees to say a piece.

Kai-Ave: Thinks that committee reporting is important to have transparency. What the union is doing and why are they doing it.

Andrea (Guest): Thinks that we should make class announcements. Students do things a lot by word of mouth.

Waylon: Emphasis on marketing. What is the GSU actually doing for students at TESC. Our job is also to listen as well as talk and that sometimes we forget that. Jacques mentioned the colleges have a weekly bulletin and getting GSU on that could surely be a positive.

Martha: Explain what they do for students and ask the students what they can do to help so a presentation and then open mic.

Alex: ea. Piece from committees and then break out groups to speak with the committees.

Brandon: clear cut view of what committees are? That we don’t segment and go 4.

Jacques: can we ad on the green screen?

Moncada: the subcommittees are not included and fall under their parent committee and the 4 chairs of each committee speak then talk with students on the matter.

Moncada: Main motion was passed

ED: Who will be doing digital?

Leblanc: They are interested in doing marketing.

2:40: Ian: Motioned to strike the email office events. The motion was passed

2:42: Constitutional Drafting Committee presentation.

Motion Seconded by Brandon and it was passed.

2:45: More Forum Planning.

Devin: Motioned for What GSU is, who we are and what we actually do to start? Introductions and the motion passed.

Motions that the speaker and the deputy speaker introduce our purpose and purview and then the members say their own names and pronouns. The motion passes.

Ian: motions to place the committee portion after that and have the break out groups.

Alex: Motion to Introduce GSU (reps and candidates), Committees (major ones), and last is Q&A. The motion passed.

Ian: Motions that people answer questions directed at them and then if it is not specific the reps who want to ask the questions can raise their hand.

Alex: Introduce election candidates to the body after the GSU introduction.

2:52 Meeting Adjourned.


Visitors: Wendy Endress, Andrea Sherrell, Lori Johnson