The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Author: clocam05 (page 6 of 6)

Agenda for 10/26 meeting.

GSU Agenda for 10/26/2016.

1:15- Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:30 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:40 – WSA liaison

1:50 – Endowment (W. Robert and A. Matthews)

2:00 – Election Commissioner interviews.

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Meeting Minutes for 10/19.

GSU meeting 10/19.

Reps present: Waylon Robert, Aidan Ripley, Christopher Tufts, Brandon Ellington, Alexander Butler, Naia Danko, Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Adam Bartell, Devin Moncada.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Chair: Asher Matthews.

Meeting started at 1:16.

Motion to add Jill Stein to the Agenda after check-ins.


Motion to add UWT event to the Agenda after Jill Stein.


Motion to approve Agenda and Minutes.


Public Comments:

WashPIRG explained to us that their meeting will be held today at 5 in Sem II D3105.


Tom Mercado talked to us about the Bias Incident Response Team needing students.  He also mentioned that we needed to advertise the applications for new representatives more.

Dylan said he had sent an email to Wendy Endress concerning the Greener Commons post discussed last week.  He will send her another email today.

Brandon talked about his role as treasurer and his 8 hours of office hours per week.

Alexander explained to us that he will know if the Flaming Eggplant approves his project on Monday.

Naia talked to us about the complications that happened with the Jill Stein campaign.  Due to a lack of communication and a very short notice, the GSU had to step away from sponsoring Jill Stein’s appearance at Evergreen on 10/24.

Camille asked for the GSU’s vote concerning the reimbursement of gas for her and some other former and current reps to go to an event held by UW Tacoma tonight.

Motion to approve.


The GSU reps talked about who would participate in what committees.  List to follow.

Re Vote on the Deputy Speaker.  Motion to apply Robert’s Rule, which makes the vote from two weeks ago stay the same.


Dylan stays Deputy Speaker.

Chris talked to us about possibly changing the attendance policy in our bylaws.

Motion to make missing the Tacoma visit the equivalent of missing two meetings instead of three.


Motion to have to give at least a 2 weeks notice to the Executive Director when knowing that a GSU meeting will be missed due to outside work.


Waylon and Tom talked to us about their project to have the WA State Supreme Court hold court at Evergreen in the Fall 2017.  Would  be over two days.  Something similar will be held at Bellevue College November 14th through 16th.  Very early stages for now.

Alexander explained to us that there were some complications for his project to make all the bathrooms in SEM II all-gender.

Elissa Goss, Executive Director of the Washington Student Association (WSA) gave us a presentation about WSA.

Tom agreed to answer any question the reps might have concerning their SLARS due next week.

Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:01.

Agenda for 10/19/16 meeting.

GSU Agenda for 10/19/16.


1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:30 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:40 – Committees

1:50 – Deputy Speaker re-election

2:00- By-laws (attendance policy)

2:10 – WA State Supreme Court (Waylon Robert)

2:20 – Sem II Bathrooms (Alexander Butler)

2:30 – Elissa Goss (WSA)

2:50 – SLARS (Tom Mercado)

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

GSU meeting minutes 10/12/16.

Started at 1:17

Representatives present: Aidan Ripley, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Naia Danko, Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Chris Tufts, Mike Espy, Kun Yin Chung, Waylon Robert.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Asher Chair

Motion to add bus passes after public comments


Agenda approved

Minutes approved

Public comments:

Washpirg updated us on their democracy campaign, their work against the overuse of antibiotics for meat and poultry, and their project to save the bees against a strong pesticide.  During voter registration, they registered 297 new voters registered.

Nancy Kopplemantalked to us about a possible Students’ Bill of Rights.  Would it be meaningful to students?  Can GSU help?

Bus passes:  Waylon and Tom Mercado needed the GSU to endorse their project to sell discounted express bus passes and ticket booklets at the Olympia bookstore through the Spring as a trial period.  They would be sold at a 20% discount.

Motion to endorse.


Check ins:

Dylan talked to us about the fact that Caterpillar and Sabra hummus are still on campus.  Cartepillar is because we still have the contract and we will have to figure something out once the contract is over.  Sabra hummus is  being worked on with a Food System working group.

Camille talked about the election commissioner applications.  She will schedule interviews for election commissioner next Wednesday during the second hour.

Alexander mentioned putting the Flaming Eggplant on this winter’s ballot concerning having them on Declining Balance and debit/credit cards.

Brandon told us that the GSU had not respected the bylaws when  electing the Deputy Speaker.  He also asked about past end of year reports and about being given examples of what treasurers have done before him.

Waylon told us that he was still working on getting stipends for students below the poverty line so their unpaid internship would still be some sort of income.  He explained that his goal was to have it on the President’s Fundraising Plan.

Naia talk about an event next thursday in the HCC, bikes and brownies 6:30 – 7:30.  Students can register their bike.  Free event.

Motion to move committees to next week.


Camille asked the GSU to approve using some of the GSU’s budget in order to rent out a van to go down to Vancouver, WA, for the WSA’s Board of Directors meeting on 10/22.  She will be taking 5 other students with her and the GSU decided to use WSAF funds for it since they have done it in the past for the same reasons.

Motion to approve van.


The GSU agreed to keep not having Monday meetings, only Wednesdays.

Lori Blewett asked the GSU if they would be willig to sponsor having Jill Stein come to Evergreen on October 24th.  It should end up being under $500.

Motion to approve money allocation.


Naia, Aidan, Mike, and Camille on the planning group.

Greener Commons Post about ableism at Evergreen.

Motion that Dylan will email Wendy Endress, Vice President of Student Affairs about it.


Tom Mercado talked to the GSU about their attendance policy.

Motion to put the bylaws on the agenda for next week.


Motion to adjourn.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 2:48.

Agenda for 10/12/2016 meeting.

Agenda GSU meeting 10/12

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:30 – Public Comments

1:40 – Check-ins

1:50 – Committees

2:10 – WSA October meeting and UWT event (C. Closson)

2:30 – Discuss Monday meetings

2:35 – Lori Blewett (vote on sponsor)

2:45 – Greener Commons post (B. Ellington)

2:55 – Attendance policy (T. Mercado)

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

GSU meeting minutes – 10/05/2016.

GSU.  Meeting 10/05.  CAB 301.

Representatives present:  Chris Tufts (by phone), Asher Matthews, Waylon Robert, Kun Yin Chung, Dylan Macardican, Mike Espy, Aidan Ripley, Devin Moncada, Brandon Ellington, Alexander Butler, Naia Danko.

Executive Director:  Camille Closson.

Meeting started at 1:15.

Dylan Macardican nominated and approved as Chair.

Agenda and Minutes (from 09/26) approved.

Public Comments:

  • Sara Kate Develle from Opportunity for Olympia talked to the GSU about how we could help by involving students more.
  • Tom Mercado talked about how the draft of the posting policy is on Greener Commons and the next committee meeting will be on Tuesday at 1 in the Facilities conference room.
  • He also mentioned how the elections commissioner applicants will hopefully go through interviews during week 4 of Fall quarter.


  • Brandon Ellington motioned to add the Greener Commons post “Casual Ableism and more in classes” to next week’s agenda in order to have a deeper conversation about it.  Approved.
  • Camille Closson would like to add Nancy Koppelman to the agenda for next week so they can present their idea about a Students’ Bill of Rights to the GSU.  Approved.
  • Camille also mentioned the Legislative Candidates Q&A happening at Bellevue College on 10/06 and 10/07.
  • There is a faculty meeting at 3 on 10/05 in Sem II 1105.
  • Waylon Robert mentioned a proposal to put stipends in place for unpaid internships as a project that he is working on.
  • He also talked about the fact that the State Supreme Court never had a Court meeting at Evergreen and how he will be working on that with Mary Yu.
  • He also mentioned the Young Democrats’ meeting on 10/11 at 5 pm in Sem A 2105.
  • Kun Yin Chung asked about more art/design on Sem II.
  • She also talk about the restroom water in Sem II that is too strong.

Alexander Butler talked to the GSU about his project to put The Flaming Eggplant on Declining Balance so that people with meal plans can use their plan there as well as for The Flaming Eggplant to accept credit/debit cards.  The Flaming Eggplant needs a new point of sale system and Alexander hoped to know more in a few weeks.

Devin Moncada talked about the GSU reps’ email account and talked about how he organized it as well as how the representatives could make sure that they check it and that students know how to contact them.

Waylon Robert and Tom Mercado explained to the GSU their idea of selling subsidized, discounted express bus passes and/or ticket booklets at the Bookstore on the Olympia campus.

Alexander Butler motioned to have Stacy Brown introduce herself before the GSU elects officers.  Approved.

Stacy Brown, Evergreen’s new Chief of Police, introduced herself and talked about her goals to the GSU.

Asher Matthews was elected Speaker.

Dylan Macardican was elected Deputy Speaker.

Brandon Ellington was elected Treasurer.

Dylan Macardican motioned to have the election of the Head of Legislative Affairs postponed to week 5.  Approved.

Motion to adjourn the meeting.  Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 2:59.

Agenda for 10/05/16 meeting.

GSU Agenda 10/05

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:30 – Public comments

1:40 – Check-ins

1:50 – Discuss putting the Flaming Eggplant on DB (A. Butler)

2:05 – GSU Reps email (D. Moncada)

2:10 – Expansion of bus passes (W. Robert)

2:15 – Elect officers

2:25 – Discuss Committees

2:35 – Introduction of Stacy Brown

2:45 – WSA October Board meeting (C. Closson)

2:55 – Discuss Monday meetings

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Meeting Minutes for 09/26/2016 GSU meeting.

GSU meeting minutes from 09/26/2016             4:00 – 5:00

GSU members present: Chris Tufts, Asher Matthews, Waylon Robert, Kun Yin Chung, Dylan Macardican, Mike Espy, Aidan Ripley, Devin Moncada, Brandon Ellington, Adam Bartell.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Motion to add GSU approval of a Ben&Jerry’s truck on Red Square during the Activity Fair on 09/28.

  • Motion approved.
  • Subject will be brought up towards the end of the meeting.

Agenda Completed and Approved.

Chair Appointed.

Activity Fair

  • From 12 to 3.
  • Set up table next to other clubs that reps are a part of.
  • Already have banner and gold box.
  • Flyers with our info.
  • Stacks of forms for voter registration available at the Secretary of State’s office downtown Olympia.
  • GSU applications
  • 7 GSU members available for tabling in between 12 and 3 at different intervals.

Bulletin Board

Motion to have bios and photos sent to the Executive Director by Wednesday of week 2.

  • Motion approved.
  • Wednesday meeting on week 2 in CAB 301.

Ice Cream Truck

  • Free of charge to the college.
  • Free ice cream distributed by Ben & Jerry’s.
  • Incentive to register to vote but available to anybody.
  • Red Square already reserved by Student Activities.
  • Ben & Jerry’s will need to have a certificate of liability insurance.
  • Has to be approved by Aramark.
  • All GSU needs to do is approve it.

Motion to vote.

  • Motion approved.
  • Ice cream truck approved by GSU.

Motion to end the meeting.

Motion approved.
Meeting ended at 4:40 pm.

Gʷídəq Student Union Agenda for September 26th, 2016.

Agenda for 09/26/2016 GSU meeting.

4:00 – Begin meeting

4:05 – Appoint Chair

4:10 – Approve the Agenda and Minutes

4:15 – Discuss the 09/28 Activity Fair

4:40 – Discuss Bulletin Board

4:45 – Discuss Agenda for Wednesday 10/05 meeting

5:00 – End meeting

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