The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Author: shelleyb (page 4 of 4)

Meeting Agenda 10/25/2017

Geoduck Student Union

Week 5 Agenda ~ CAB, room 301

10/25/2017 1:00PM

  1. Medicine Creek Treaty Acknowledgement (2 mins)
    1. We begin our time together today by acknowledging the indigenous people of the Medicine Creek Treaty, whose land on which the college stands. We acknowledge the Squaxin people who are the traditional custodians of this land and pay respect to elders past and present of the Squaxin Island Tribe.
  2. Approval of the Minutes from all previous Meetings and the Agenda (2 minutes)
  3. Public Comment (5 minutes)
  4. Student Advisory Group Wendy Endress (15 minutes)
  5. Check-Ins (23 minutes)
    1. Speaker: Emily (2 minutes)
    2. Legislative Committee: Charles, Kai-Ave (2 minutes)
    3. Student Interest Committee: Brandon, Justin, and Paul (2 minutes)
    4. Finance Committee: Alex, Waylon, and Devin (2 minutes)
      1. Faculty Meeting Update with Alex Markley (5 minutes)
    5. Constitutional Review Committee: Devin (2 minutes)
    6. Rules Committee: Bethany, Melissa (2 minutes)
      1. Slack Update with Bethany (2 minutes)
    7. Communication and IDEA: Asher, Arne, and Jacques (2 minutes)
    8. Emergency Prep and Sustainability: Paul, Rebecca, and Adam (2 minutes)


  1. Committee Break Out Groups (15 minutes)
  2. Fall Convention Planning (30 minutes)
  3. Constitutional Drafting Subcommittee Timeline Presentation with Devin Moncada (5 mins)
  4. Email Address Trip to Help Desk (any leftover time)
  5. Adjourn 3:00PM

This meeting is open to the public! Please come and join us.

Meeting Agenda 10/18/2017

Geoduck Student Union

Week 4 Agenda ~ CAB, room 301

10/18/2017 1:00PM


  1. Medicine Creek Treaty Acknowledgement (2 mins)
    1. We begin our time together today by acknowledging the indigenous people of the Medicine Creek Treaty, whose land on which the college stands. We acknowledge the Squaxin people who are the traditional custodians of this land and pay respect to elders past and present of the Squaxin Island Tribe. (TBA)
  2. Public Comment/Check-Ins (5 mins each)
  • Committee Information with Brandon Ellington (5 mins)
  1. Constitutional Conflicts with Devin Moncada (5 mins)
  2. Constitutional Enforcement with Devin Moncada (5 mins)
  3. Constitutional Drafting Subcommittee Timeline Presentation with Devin Moncada (5 mins)
  • Faculty Meeting and Agenda Committee information with Julie Sloane (15 mins)
  • Elections Commissioner Interview (10 minutes)
  1. Slack App. Sign up With Bethany Shelley (2~3 mins)
  2. Email Address Trip to Help Desk (30 mins)
  3. WSA General Assembly with Charles (3mins)
  • Fall Convention Planning (15 minutes)
  • Committee Break Out Groups (15 mins)
  • Adjourn 3:00PM

Meeting Minutes 10/4/2017

Meeting Minutes 10/4/2017

1:20: – Meeting begins

1:20: – Medicine Creek Treaty Read w/ moment of silence.

1:21 – Check ins/Public Comment

1:21 – Devin checked in about constitutional issues and working on a motion to amend or draft the constitution.

1:22 – Check in with Waylon proposing the idea of a student fee to pay for internships.

1:24 – Officer Elections Commence

1:25 – Voting for the Treasurer with Farley and Matthews (8 to 5)

1:42 – Alexander Farley is now the treasurer of the GSU.

1:43 – Voting for the GSU Historian Moncada and Douvia (8 to 5).

1:55 – Devin Moncada is now the Historian

1:56 – Committee assignment will be assigned via email tonight

1:59 – Project Management Software to be introduced in the way of Basecamp or Redmine. Talk to Brandon with any of the questions that you have about the items presented.

2:01 – Election Commissioner hiring info session there are multiple candidates.

2:04 – Brandon gave information on the forum and there are rumors of another group coming to campus to advocate for a Pro-Life cause.

2:05 – Motion made to move the Forum to Week 7 and plan over the weeks.

2:06 – Motion Passed.

2:07 – Motion made to Hire Elections Commissioners next week.

2:07 Motion passed to hire Elections Commissioners on 10/11/2017.

2:08 Budget discussion has begun. The budget is not currently in deficit. Representative Christianson asked about effect of the constitution member violation on the budget which came out to be staff being 98 percent of the budget going to pay people.

2:10-2:12 Faculty Board Member Representation discussion and the person volunteered to be liaison is Alex Markely.

2:13 the GSU will be helping the S&A do hiring today with Paul and Tomorrow with Kai-Ave, Alex Farley, and Ian.

2:15 Training with Lexi Generous on team work. Hula Hoop Exercise that was harder than it looked. Roles were discussed in the circles. Authorities are respected. Members learned how to work through their frustrations. The take away lesson is that communication can be positive or negative and accountability matters. Then a story based exercise at 2:29PM began.

3:00 Meeting Adjourned


We had one student guest: Albrecht, Patsy.

Training Guest: Lexi Generous


Meeting Minutes from 9/25/2017

9/25/17 GSU


Beth nominated by Devin as chair, Asher seconds


Janette- Students not already in the student employment system should complete the relevant forms.



Name pronouns Years of GSU
Devin He/Him Second
Emily She/Her First
Justin He/Him First
Adam He/Him Second
Brandon He/Him Second
Jaqu He/Him Second
Waylon He/Him Third
Paul He/Him First
Charles He/Him Second
Jennette She/Her First
Asher They/Them Second
Ian They/Them First
Beth She/Her First*
Martha Zo She/Her First



Student activities fair sign-up


12:00-3:00- Asher, Devin.


Able to partially attend- Charles, Waylon, Emily.


Prep work for GSU table-  Devin, Emily, Asher.

Polka-dot box is available

WSA/WASHPIRG voter registration drive 1:00

11:00-2:00- tomorrow only

Asher- bring voter registration forms to table



Leadership elections (1/2)


Officers must be elected by ⅔ majority= 8 of current members


Speaker- Emily



Ethics and Technology training


Will receive GSU Email with Staff functionality, access to Outlook, GSU Greener commons and Website which is under review. GSU Email will allow you to access Website back door. Currently Google files will be removed.

DON’T use personal email or your own Emails can be subject to public information requests. Use GSU Email for official use only- no interpersonal salt, private/personal communication, memes perhaps? Emails will most likely be made public at some point so use it wisely. If students email you privately, refer them to your public Email. Washington State ethics board- active/draconian. Professional staff do online training with recent public employee case studies- many have been fined and required to pay intense restitution. Because of spotlight on Evergreen, be careful to only use Email for personal use. If you talk salt about work you get a stipend for, it becomes public record. Talk tea in person.




Justin- If you have several paid positions at EV, can you mix emails? A- Yes, all staff Emails are alike as long as you speak clearly for the correct position- make sure students know when you speak on behalf of GSU and when you speak on behalf of other things.


Devin- what does this mean for phone correspondence- be careful.


Paul- Are we required to keep all our Emails- No, the college is keeping your Emails for you. You may be asked to help Identify search terms that would be helpful.


Devin-  what about student Emails- Protected by FERPA as educational records unless you are discussing GSU business.


Waylon- how did you get your job and what is your job- Senior RD- one year temporary position to help guide transitions.


Public record requests in Washington are very informative and speedy.


Devin- Recommendations for protecting emails from TROOLS.- Focus on the job. Even if you are challenging the institution, as long as you aren’t spilling tea. Don’t share your password and logout, use the right account. Take the time to double check that you are sending from the correct account.

Emails are encrypted, be careful to differentiate when you are speaking as a GSU member or as a student. Previous work is in violation of the law- keeping information centralized helps GSU year-to-year get on track.


Greener common=Dumpster fire


Ignore the trolls as a GSU rep.


Devin- Outlook training tools? – free resource for EV students to learn stuff.


Brandon- can I set up a meeting with moderators- A- there is very little moderation.


You will likely get staff Emails- many Staff don’t know how to use Email. Distribution lists misuse state resources. Perhaps be cautious before engaging in staff Email chain.


Devin- recommends GSU communication policy. Charles- communications committee

—Claps for Ray—


Leadership elections (2/2)


Justin- can we vote after each nomination?


Asher- in past, nominees have spoken and left the room for their specific positions.


Brandon- as long as we have a method.


Body votes to handle election as in previous years


Charles moves to auto-hire all one-candidate races

Body votes down motion


Deputy speaker- Brandon

Parliamentarian- Devin


Devin passes a motion to make officer elections first on the agenda next week and to carry agenda items to next Wednesday



Meeting ajourned

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